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What is sin? First occurrence in NT: Mt.5:29  Lawlessness  Lawlessness, 1 Jn.3:4  Omission  Omission – Ja.4:17 “everyone who practices righteousness”

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Presentation on theme: "What is sin? First occurrence in NT: Mt.5:29  Lawlessness  Lawlessness, 1 Jn.3:4  Omission  Omission – Ja.4:17 “everyone who practices righteousness”"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is sin? First occurrence in NT: Mt.5:29  Lawlessness  Lawlessness, 1 Jn.3:4  Omission  Omission – Ja.4:17 “everyone who practices righteousness” (2:29) “everyone who…practices lawlessness” (3:4)

2 I. Why Do Most Think Sin Is Harmless?

3 1. Ps.73, the wicked: Prosperous, 3 Pain free, 4 Peaceful, 5 Pampered, 7 Reaction, 2

4 2. Eccl.8:11, the delay: “They see not the smoke of the pit, therefore they dread not the fire” Ro.2:4-5 Purpose of longsuffering: Repentance Perversion of longsuffering: Rebellion

5 3. Hb.11:25, the pleasure: Epicurean motto: “Eat, drink, be merry, for tomorrow we die” “It can’t be wrong when it feels so right”

6 I. Why Do Most Think Sin Is Harmless? II. The High Price Of Low Living

7 Chickens come home to roost Is.3:11, just deserts Ec.8:12-13, not forgotten Ro.6:23, wages, usually soldier’s pay

8 Three aspects of wages of sin: 1. Sin’s pay is death; a deceiver (Gn.3) 2. Since wages is not a single payment, but continuous, death is not simply the final penalty but the active shadow which this death projects on life 3. Wages is a legal term in contrast to gift. Man has rights only in relation to sin; these rights become his judgment – TDNT V, 592

9 I. Why Do Most Think Sin Is Harmless? II. The High Price Of Low Living III. Sin’s Price Tags

10 1. Peace of Mind Gn.3  Sin brought immediate change: separation, fear Is.48:22

11 2. Disease Ex.15:26; Ep.6:1-3 Lungs Brain Liver STDs

12 3. Exposure 2 Sm.11-12 Jer.6:15:  Adulterer  Computer

13 4. Death Pro.7:…21-27  As an ox goes to the slaughter  Till an arrow struck his liver  As a bird hastens to the snare, He did not know it would take his life  The way to hell (sheol)  Descending to the chambers of death

14 5. Freedom Pro.23:29-35. Jn.8:32…34 Alcohol Drugs Internet

15 6. The end – eternal punishment Ps.73:16-17, their end Lk.16 (2 Pt.2:12)... Rv.20:10

16 Peace of Mind Disease Exposure Death Freedom The end (eter. pun.) Present wrath of God (Ro.1:18)

17 Wrath of God Strong indignation directed at wrong- doing, w. focus on retribution God does not lose His temper or throw a tantrum As a calm judge, He sentences the criminal by the demands of His law

18 “Wrath…is being revealed” (1:18) Past: Flood Sodom Plagues Present: Civil authorities (13:1-7) Future: Day of Judgment (2:1-16) Present: Abandons sinners to their fate

19 When God does nothing… Instead of sending fire and brimstone, He appears to do nothing Therefore (24) = 21-23, abandons them (gave them up, 24,26,28)

20 A debased mind (28) Reprobate, worthless, corrupt Word play: They did not approve true God God gave them up to a disapproved mind

21 Amos 8:11-12 Learning the hard way: their most precious possession Punishment fits the crime (cf. 7:12) Saul 1 Sm.28 Prodigal Lk.15

22 Misguided lovers, 2 Th.2:10-12  “Once we assuage our conscience by calling something a ‘necessary evil,’ it begins to look more and more necessary and less and less evil” – Sidney J. Harris  Ahab

23 Mt.7:13-14 We cannot come to a fork and “take it”; to refuse the right way is to choose the wrong

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