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Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6 “If you see a man unterrified in the midst of dangers, untouched by desires, happy in adversity, peaceful amid the storm,

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Presentation on theme: "Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6 “If you see a man unterrified in the midst of dangers, untouched by desires, happy in adversity, peaceful amid the storm,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prince of Peace – Isaiah 9:6 “If you see a man unterrified in the midst of dangers, untouched by desires, happy in adversity, peaceful amid the storm, will you not say: a divine power has descended upon that man?” – Seneca

2 A Child with four names Wonderful Counselor = wisdom Mighty God = power Everlasting Father = love Prince of peace = result  He is peace; He gives peace

3 I. Did The Prince Of Peace Fail? Wars Gaza; Iraq; Afghanistan; Pakistan and India U. S. Cities Crime, Gangs, Suicides, Disease U. S. Economy Recession, Layoffs, Savings, Crime, Waste Spiritual Needs Isa.9:5-6

4 II. What Is Peace? Not Not mere absence of war Chamberlain Churchill WWI – WWII Homer: opposite of war – blessing, prosperity OT: 250+ Nu.6:26; Is.26:3 NT: 90x

5 III. Kinds Of Peace 1. Civil : 1. Civil : Lk.14:32. Hitler; Stalin; PLO. (Mt.10:34) 2. Social : 2. Social : Ro.12:18 3. Spiritual :with 3. Spiritual : Ro.5:1, peace with God Is.59:1-2; 57:21 4. Inner :of 4. Inner : Ph.4:6-7, 9, peace of God

6 IV. Prince Of Peace Did Not Fail Is.9:5 = 2:4; 11:6-9. Based on Is.53:5 Lk.2:14, peace among those whom he favors (NRSV)  World experienced Roman peace  Savior’s peace makes us right w. God Gloryto Godin the highest Peaceto men…God favorson earth

7 Jn.14:27 Jn.14:27 (Ja.2:16)  Peace unlike the world’s  On His way to pain and humiliation, to heal by His stripes Jn.16:33 Jn.16:33, His ministry ends as His life began: (Lk.2:14)  Outer tribulation would not rob them of inner peace (cf. Ac.5:41) Ac.10:36 Ac.10:36

8 Col. 1:20-22 The peace, The peace, 20:  Reconcile  Reconcile: make friends again to Him  Making peace  Making peace (had been war, 21) The problem, The problem, 21:  Alienated  Alienated: Complete estrangement  Enemies  Enemies: Hostile There are no innocent heathen

9 The Problem (21): attitude, action  Mind  Mind (attitude) God does not need to change  Evil deeds  Evil deeds (action; 3:5-7) Stinking thinking leads to evil deeds, evil deeds to more stinking thinking

10 The “Stinking” Circle MIND EVIL

11 HoseaWife SINSIN God SINSIN Israel Father Son Lk.15 SINSIN

12 The Prince The Peace, 20 The Problem, 21 The Prince, 21b-22 ( Lk.15 ) in body of His flesh, through death (blood of His cross (20) = Is.53:5) Deity  Col.1:19, Deity Human  Col.1:20, 22, Human (blood; body; flesh) Col.2:18, angels? God – (Jesus) – Man 1 Tim.2:5, God – (Jesus) – Man

13 The Prince Presents… Holy Holy: cleansed from sin, wholly separated to God Blameless Blameless: w/o fault, morally blameless (OT: unblemished animals for sacrifice) Irreproachable Irreproachable: not + call in, [bring charge against]: free from any charge  How? 1:20-22, 11-13 (Ro.8:33)

14 I. Did The Prince Of Peace Fail? II. What Is Peace? III. Kinds Of Peace IV. The Prince Of Peace Did Not Fail V. Peace Illustrated

15 Mk.4:35-41 Wisdom Wisdom, 40 (Wonderful Counselor) Power Power, 39 (Mighty God) Care Care, 38 (Everlasting Father) Peace Peace, 39 (Prince of Peace)

16 Lk.7:37-50 Wisdom Wisdom, 37 (Wonderful Counselor) Power Power, 48 (Mighty God) Care Care, 50a (Everlasting Father) Peace, 50b (Prince of Peace)

17 Lk.19:36-44 Blinded to His wisdom Blinded to His wisdom, 42 Unaffected by His power Unaffected by His power, 37 Unmoved by His care, Unmoved by His care, 41 Without His peace Without His peace, 38, 42

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