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Which library does YOUR library look like? Library A Library B.

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Presentation on theme: "Which library does YOUR library look like? Library A Library B."— Presentation transcript:

1 Which library does YOUR library look like? Library A Library B

2 For most of our students…

3 But maybe for some students…

4 Are we serving all our students?  ABE  GED  Developmental  I-BEST  ESL/ELL/EFL  With Variety of: Formats Languages Reading Levels Workshops

5 Information Resources to Support Pre-College Level Classes Facilitated by RTC’s Debbie Crumb Revised 11/18/09 A Conversation at the LSTA Workshop November 20, 2009

6 What We’ll Discuss  Collection development  Customer groups  Sampling of resources  Opportunity to get “hands-on”  Fabulous, fabulous prizes!

7 Collection Development  Identify & partner with stakeholders  Identify user groups & their needs  Provide materials in various formats  Provide information literacy training  Ask users for suggestions/feedback  Publicize resources to users

8 Identify & Partner w/Stakeholders  College trustees  College administration  College foundation  Student government  Students, faculty, staff ~ pre-college classes  Faculty from other programs/classes  Library staff

9 Who are our users in pre-college level classes?

10 ABE (Adult Basic Education)  Adults wanting to improve reading, writing and/or math skills. Levels 1-4 and 5-6. May or may not want to take college-level courses.  Needs: CASAS testing, math, reading, writing, info literacy, life skills including job hunting, civics, etc.

11 GED (General Education Degree)  Working on earning the equivalent of a HS diploma.  Needs: CASAS testing, math, reading, writing, social studies, science, GED testing, info literacy, life skills including job hunting, civics, etc.

12 Developmental  Student needing brush-up in English and/or Math in order to take college- level courses in those subjects.  Needs: COMPASS testing, math, reading, writing, info literacy, life skills including job hunting, civics, etc.

13 ESL/ELL/EFL  Levels 1 – 6 English language instruction for immigrants regardless of education level in native language. May also be in other user groups (ABE/GED, etc.)  Needs: CASAS testing, English- language listening and speaking, reading, writing, info literacy, life skills including job hunting, citizenship, civics, etc.

14 I-BEST (Integrated Basic Education & Skills Training)  Students in select, special occupational programs that receive extra help in academic and/or English-language skills.  Needs: CASAS and COMPASS testing, English-language listening and speaking, reading, writing, occupational skills, info literacy, life skills including job hunting, citizenship, civics, etc.

15 Formats - Materials  Books  Media  Games  Realia

16 Display of sampling of materials  Testing (Compass, CASAS, GED, TABE)  ESL/ELL/EFL  Reading  Writing  Math  Occupational Skills  Life Skills including Job Hunting  Civics and Citizenship

17 Online databases  ProQuest CultureGrams e-Library Ethnic NewsWatch  Grolier Online International News Desk Lands & Peoples

18 Websites  Common Craft (“In Plain English” videos)  Literacy NOW (Literacy Network of Washington)  Study Guides and Strategies (in 34 languages)  Links to Other ESL/Basic Studies websites

19 Literacy Now Resources  Check It Out Handbook: Guide for Library Staff  Check It Out Visuals: Package of Graphics for Libraries  ESL Annotated Bibliography (free online)  Literacy in Life: Handbook for Volunteer Literacy Tutors  Making it Real: Teaching Pre-literate Adult Refugee Students (free online)  Teaching English Language Learners: Handbook for Volunteers


21 Specially designed workshops

22 User suggestions & feedback  Library liaison to Basic Studies Dept.  Email faculty requesting input/ideas  Awareness of user wants/needs & gaps  Listen!

23 Publicize your resources  Email staff re: new materials/resources  “Show & Tell” at orientations & mtgs.  Posters & flyers around campus  Library displays  Other ideas? LoveYourLibrary

24 We can affect which library our students will see… Library A Library B

25 Questions & comments?

26 Fabulous, fabulous prizes

27 Thanks for participating!

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