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I. Talk (21). Tract: Ro.10:9-10 Purpose: faith alone Text proves too much Sinner’s prayer (Lk.18:13?) Erring Jew (Ezk.44:7) How to call: Ac.2:21…38; 22:16.

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Presentation on theme: "I. Talk (21). Tract: Ro.10:9-10 Purpose: faith alone Text proves too much Sinner’s prayer (Lk.18:13?) Erring Jew (Ezk.44:7) How to call: Ac.2:21…38; 22:16."— Presentation transcript:

1 I. Talk (21)

2 Tract: Ro.10:9-10 Purpose: faith alone Text proves too much Sinner’s prayer (Lk.18:13?) Erring Jew (Ezk.44:7) How to call: Ac.2:21…38; 22:16

3 I. Talk (21) II. Belief (21)

4 Lord, Lord Shows faith AND emotion Yet lost (Mt.7:21 = Lk.6:46) Salvation promised to believer, Jn.3:16 Which believer is saved?

5 Saved and lost believers Saul persecuted believers, Ac.22:19 Saul persecuted saints, Ac.9:13-14 Saul persecuted disciples, Ac.9:1-2 Saul persecuted the church, Ac.8:2-3 The church is believers, Ac.2:38, 44-45 BUT BUT some ‘believers’ are not saved Jn.12:42-43 Mt.7:21-22 “We believe the Scriptures teach that a visible Church of Christ is a company of baptized believers” (Hiscox, 6; cf. Pendleton, 55)

6 I. Talk (21) III. Sincerity (21) II. Belief (21)

7 “Just do something” “I’d rather go to hell for doing too much than too little” Mt.7:21: he who does will of My Father

8 I. Talk (21) IV. Zeal (22) II. Belief (21) III. Sincerity (21)

9 Three reasons why Lord should let them into heaven Convinced they are saved; sincere Yet Jesus says no!  “I know I’m saved, headed for heaven” Lord  In the end, all that matters is what Lord will say

10 I. Talk (21) V. Piety (22) II. Belief (21) III. Sincerity (21) IV. Zeal (22)

11 If good deeds save, why did Jesus come? Pharisees, Mt.6 – yet, Mt.15:7-9 Judas, Mt.10:1-4 – yet Ac.1:25

12 I. Talk (21) VI. Miracles (22) II. Belief (21) III. Sincerity (21) IV. Zeal (22) V. Piety (22)

13 Pentecostal plan Speaking in tongues proves salvation 1 Co.14, many spiritual gifts in Corinth 1 Co.13:1-3

14 I. Talk (21) VII. Works (23) II. Belief (21) III. Sincerity (21) IV. Zeal (22) V. Piety (22) VI. Miracles (22)

15 Balance scale salvation? If good deeds outweigh bad, are we saved? Ja.2:10-11 – Ac.8:21-23

16 Jesus negates their claims, point by point Lv.10; 1 Sm.15; 1 Chr.13, 15 Assertion, Mt.7:22Answer, Mt.7:23 We worked many wonders You worked lawlessness We prophesiedNever knew you We cast out demonsDepart from Me

17 Lessons 1. Obedience to Father’s will is our only hope (12:50) Mt.7:24-27 2. Why should Lord let you into heaven? Wise Foolish RockSand Tested StoodFell

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