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Brian T. Woods, Ed.D. Superintendent Northside ISD.

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1 Brian T. Woods, Ed.D. Superintendent Northside ISD

2  Fourth largest school district in Texas  Expected enrollment: 99,848 Growing by 2,400 to 3,500 students annually Estimated peak enrollment: 145,000  Staff: 12,487  112 schools

3 Free/Reduced Lunch: 53.4%


5  NISD 2012-13 all funds budget: $1 billion  NISD tax rate: $1.3755 Interest & Sinking (bond projects): $0.3355 Maintenance & Operations (day-to-day operations including personnel costs): $1.0400  No tax increase for 2012-13 & current rate over $.08 less than projected




9  Finance  Growth  Testing & Accountability

10  Myth: The Legislature increased education funding during the past legislative session  Truth: The state budget for public education is slightly higher than the previous biennium, but does not account for 170,000 additional students or loss of $3.2 billion in federal stimulus funds from previous budgets

11  Statewide budget cuts $4 billion from Foundation School Program $1.4 billion from education grants 170,000 additional students over biennium  NISD budget cuts $19 million in 2010-11 in anticipation Additional $42.4 million in 2011-12 (total $61.4 mil.) Reduced staff by almost 1,000 positions No salary increases, cut stipends Increase class size and many other reductions

12  Myth: Schools have significantly more administrative staff than they did 30 years ago.  Truth: The percentage of teachers to non- teachers hasn’t changed substantially since the 1980s. TEA didn’t count auxiliary personnel prior to 1980s.

13  Trial begins Oct. 22  Six different plaintiff groups  Lawsuits claim the current school finance system is: Inadequate Inefficient Inequitable Unconstitutional statewide property tax


15  New test and new accountability system  Overreliance on testing as a means of measuring students, schools and districts The means has become the end  New accountability system – will it be understandable

16  Add 2,400 to 3,500 students per year  Will continue to need new schools and to renovate existing facilities  Bond issue likely in 2014

17  Perform well on state tests  Work on the career portion of “college and career readiness”  Emphasize advanced academics in practice and philosophy  Budget conservatively in highly uncertain times  Plan with growth in mind

18  Dr. Sara McAndrew ES opens in 2013 to relieve Aue ES  Small school (540) due to location and nature of building in the area  Attendance boundary hearing / decision late this year

19  “Cielo Vista area South” ES opens 2014 to relieve schools in the IH-10 corridor (including Leon Springs ES)  Target enrollment 800  Attendance boundary process in the Fall of 2013

20  “North area” MS site owned adjacent to McAndrew ES site  Currently planned to open beyond the ten year planning cycle

21  Update on multi-family project across from Leon Springs ES SA City Council approved zoning change Waiting for TxDOT to approve road closure (Old Fredericksburg Rd.) Expect leasing in Spring 2014 Approximately 320 units

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