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APPROVED TRAINING MANUAL’S LESSON PLANS AND COURSEWARE STAR MARIANAS AIR, INC. Recurrent – Flight Crew Part I – Basic Indoctrination Section 2 – Airman.

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Presentation on theme: "APPROVED TRAINING MANUAL’S LESSON PLANS AND COURSEWARE STAR MARIANAS AIR, INC. Recurrent – Flight Crew Part I – Basic Indoctrination Section 2 – Airman."— Presentation transcript:

1 APPROVED TRAINING MANUAL’S LESSON PLANS AND COURSEWARE STAR MARIANAS AIR, INC. Recurrent – Flight Crew Part I – Basic Indoctrination Section 2 – Airman Specific E. Navigation

2  Complete Class Roster  Cell Phones OFF Before We Start

3 Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 2 - Airman Specific E. Navigation

4  Current copy of the General Operations Manual  Aircraft flight Manual Training Materials

5 Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 2 - Airman Specific E. Navigation 1. Definitions (such as class I and class II navigation) 2. Basic navigation instruments 3. Dead reckoning and pilotage concepts and procedures 4. Navigational aids 5. VHF 6. Controlled flight into terrain

6 Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 2 - Airman Specific E. Navigation 1) Definitions (such as class I and class II navigation) Class I navigation Any en route flight operation conducted in controlled or uncontrolled airspace that is entirely within operational service volumes of ICAO standard NAVAIDs (VOR, VOR/DME, NDB) Class II navigation Any en route flight operation that is not categorized as "Class I navigation" and includes any operation or portion of an operation that takes place outside the operational service volumes of ICAO standard NAVAIDs.

7 Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 2 - Airman Specific E. Navigation 2) Basic Navigation Instruments CDI – Course Deviation Indicator ILS/LOC, VOR, GPS ADF – Automatic Direction Finder NDB

8 Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 2 - Airman Specific E. Navigation 3) Dead Reckoning and Pilotage Concepts and Procedures Dead Reckoning - process of estimating one's current position based upon a previously determined position, or fix, and advancing that position based upon known or estimated speeds over elapsed time, and course. Pilotage - use of fixed visual references on the ground or sea by means of sight to guide oneself to a destination with the help of a chart or by memory.

9 Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 2 - Airman Specific E. Navigation 4) Navigational Aids Day/Night – Pilotage Tahgong Point North Field Assiga Point Slaughter House Broadway Traffic Circle 8 th Ave VOA Towers PIC Lau-Lau Bay Radio NAVAIDs GSN ILS/LOC 07 – 109.9 “I- GSN” GSN NDB – 312 “SN” GRO NDB – 332 “GRO”

10 Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 2 - Airman Specific E. Navigation 5) VHF VHF (Very high frequency) - the radio frequency range from 30 MHz to 300 MHz. Frequencies immediately below VHF are denoted High frequency (HF) VHF NAVAIDs: 108 – 118 Mhz VHF Voice Communication: 118 – 136 Mhz

11 Basic Indoctrination Training: Section 2 - Airman Specific E. Navigation 6) Controlled Flight into Terrain Field Elevation  GSN: 215 ft  TNI: 271 ft  GRO: 607 ft Highest Terrain/Obstacle  GSN: 1685 ft, Mt Tapochau, north of airport  TNI: 666 ft, VOA Towers, north of airport  GRO: 1798 ft, Mt. Manira, southwest of airport

12 Written examination optional Examination

13  Student  Fill-out Student Feedback Form  Sign Training Record (if applicable)  Instructor  Sign Class Roster  Fill-out Instructor Feedback Form  Sign Training Record (if applicable) Completion of Paperwork

14  there is nothing here….. E N D

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