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Idolatry: the curse of young people Idolatry is worshiping anything that ought to be used, or using anything that ought to be worshiped – Augustine.

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Presentation on theme: "Idolatry: the curse of young people Idolatry is worshiping anything that ought to be used, or using anything that ought to be worshiped – Augustine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Idolatry: the curse of young people Idolatry is worshiping anything that ought to be used, or using anything that ought to be worshiped – Augustine

2 Ps.115:…8, become like them  useless and abominable Je.10:3-5, a chunk out of a tree 1 Co.8:4, a good question I. Idols Are Worthless

3 II. Idolatry Takes Many Forms

4 1. Heart, Gn.6:5 Every intent of thoughts of heart was only evil continually. Why? How?  Gn.4, Adam and Eve raised Cain Cain’s family (16-24) TalentBeautyWisdom Forgot God

5 Gn.4:24-25, Seth’s family Gn.5, famous genealogy... Noah Gn.6:1-2  Seth’s line became attracted to girls of Cain’s line  Basis of selection: beauty Cainite women won man’s heart Man’s heart grieved God’s heart Man’s wicked heart caused Flood

6 History repeats Samson, Jg.13-16 Solomon, 1 K.11:1-8 Ahab, 1 K.16:31; 21:25 Herod, Mk.6  Lust can make people do things they would not have imagined

7 The right way, Gn.24 Genesis 18:19 Genesis 24

8 The right way, Gn.24 1. Concern for spiritual welfare (18:19) 2. Concern over influence of Canaanites, 1-2 3. Set his standard before emotions, 1-2 4. Takes it seriously, 1-2 5. Rejects standard of worldly people, 3-6 6. Prayer, 7-12

9 The right way, Gn.24 7. Things to look for, 13-14 8. Relative, 15 9. Open eyes, 16-21 10. Good stewardship, 22-27, 33 11. Give providence room to work, 49 12. Spiritual things “in common” (50-51)

10 The right way, Gn.24 13. Emphasis on marriage, 51 14. Second most important decision, 52 15. Leaving and joining, 61 16. Trusted God, 62-65 17. Mature: recognized need, prepared place and mind, 66-67

11 Isaac does the same, Gn.28:1-2 Gn.27:46; 28:6-9, Esau  Many young people see grief because of poor choice of mate

12 “Isn’t it possible…” What may work out, may not “Possible” is not the issue The real issue: what is “probable”  Mal.2:…15 DatingMarriageChildren

13 2. Convenience, Ezk.23:37, 39 Three parties:  worshippers  children  idols Abortion: immorality w/o responsibility

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