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Verbos como gustar Gramática.

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1 Verbos como gustar Gramática

2 Inglés vs Español In English, it is correct to construct a sentence that has the subject “liking” the direct object. I like pizza. We like the books. In Spanish, a different construction is used. Me gusta la pizza. The pizza is pleasing to me. Nos gustan los libros. The books are pleasing to us.

3 Español Notice that in English, the subject of the sentence is the person (I, we), but in Spanish the subject of the sentence is the object (pizza, books). Also, while the English construction has a direct object (pizza, books), the Spanish construction has an indirect object (me, us).

4 Repaso Direct Objects Indirect Objects Receive the action of the verb
Answer the question what or who after the action of the verb Ejemplo: I like pizza. What do I like? Pizza Indirect Objects To whom or for whom the action of the verb is done Ejemplo: The pizza is pleasing to me. To whom is the pizza pleasing? Me

5 Formula for verbs like gustar

6 Otros verbos como gustar
Chocar Disgustar Encantar Fascinar Enojar Importar Interesar Molestar Preocupar Aburrir to hate to dislike to love to fascinate to anger to value/be important to interest to bother/annoy to worry to bore

7 Translate the following examples.
A mí me gusta hablar y participar en los debates. A Tito le interesa sacar buenas notas. A Eva y a Miguel les disgusta la clase de geometría. I like to swim. Sara and I dislike math class. James does not like to run.

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