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Vocabulaire 5.3 Français II. 2 Je suis assez bon(ne) en ___. I’m pretty good at ___.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulaire 5.3 Français II. 2 Je suis assez bon(ne) en ___. I’m pretty good at ___."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulaire 5.3 Français II

2 2 Je suis assez bon(ne) en ___. I’m pretty good at ___.

3 3 C’est en ___ que je suis le meilleur / la meilleure. I’m best in ___.

4 4 ___, c’est mon fort. ___ is my strong point.

5 5 ___, c’est pas mon fort. ___ isn’t my best subject.

6 6 J’ai du mal à comprendre. I have a hard time understanding.

7 7 Je suis pas doué(e) pour ___. I don’t have a talent for ___.

8 8 Félicitations! Congratulations!

9 9 Bravo! Terrific!

10 10 Chapeau! Well done!

11 11 C’est inadmissible. That’s unacceptable.

12 12 Tu dois mieux travailler en classe. You have to work harder in class.

13 13 Tu ne dois pas faire le clown en classe! You can’t be goofing off in class!

14 14 Ne recommence pas. Don’t do it again.

15 15 le bulletin trimestriel Report cards come out three times a year: in December, before Easter break, and at the end of the year in June or July.

16 16 le bulletin trimestriel Written or oral tests (les interros écrites ou orales), (pop) quizzes (les interros (surprises)), compositions (les rédactions), oral presentations (les exposés), and homework (les devoirs) are all graded assignments.

17 17 les devoirs French high school students usually have at least two hours of homework every day.

18 18 les profs French high school teachers generally teach fewer hours per week and are provided with more preparation time at school than their American counterparts.

19 19 le rapport entre prof et élève Student / teacher relationships in French schools tend to be more formal than in American schools. French students are expected to use vous when addressing their teachers, raise their hands before talking, and not eat or drink in class.

20 20 le rapport entre prof et élève Teachers, especially at the high school level, usually use vous and they often use students’ last names. Some even use Monsieur or Mademoiselle plus the student’s last name.

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