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National Town Meeting – Demand Response and Smart Grid Hank Kenchington - Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability.

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Presentation on theme: "National Town Meeting – Demand Response and Smart Grid Hank Kenchington - Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Town Meeting – Demand Response and Smart Grid Hank Kenchington - Deputy Assistant Secretary Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability U.S. Department of Energy

2 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) jump starts Smart Grid 2 $5M FY09 $2M FY08 $4.5 Billion Smart Grid ARRA Funds NOTE: not to scale DOE Funding for Smart Grid Activities

3 NIST is coordinating Smart Gird interoperability In cooperation with the DoE, NEMA, IEEE, GWAC, and other stakeholders, NIST has “primary responsibility to coordinate development of a framework that includes protocols and model standards for information management to achieve interoperability of smart grid devices and systems…” Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 Title XIII, Section 1305. Smart Grid Interoperability Framework

4 Cybersecurity is a national priority “.. as the United States deploys new Smart Grid technology, the Federal government must ensure that security standards are developed and adopted to avoid creating unexpected opportunities for adversaries to penetrate these systems or conduct large-scale attacks.”

5 Real-time, two-way communications Use of more open, interoperable architecture designs Increased reliance on automation and control Exponentially more access points Physical access to smart meters Interconnected nature of grid Potential for new cyber vulnerabilities Build-in cyber security from the GET GO! Smart Grid Requirements Could Introduce Risk

6 Cyber security must be embedded…..or $$$$ “Several challenges must be addressed in order to effectively secure control systems. These include: the limitations of current security technologies in securing control systems…...” GAO, October 1, 2003

7 AMI Security Acceleration Project (ASAP) DOE partners with industry leaders Courtesy of EnerNex

8 “ASAP – Smart Grid” – supports NIST ASAP SG DOE partners with industry leaders

9 Reporting Progress - Transparency & Accountability Everything we do will be transparent! Visit (or to stay informed Agency Available Paid Out $ (Thousands) Department of Education (ED)$44,184,459$5,996,623 Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)$29,750,246$20,446,617 Department of Labor (DOL)$20,036,754$5,766,593 Department of Transportation (DOT)$17,510,675$218,758 Social Security Administration (SSA)$13,027,560$13,011,590 Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD))$5,079,109$697,960 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)$4,402,003$11,585 Department of Energy (DOE)$4,348,233$118,084 Department of Agriculture (USDA)$3,066,318$1,940,290 Department of Justice (DOJ)$1,675,971$299,895 Department of Defense (DOD)$732,077$6,047 General Services Administration (GSA)$537,419$2,731 Department of Commerce (DOC)$524,693$197,324 Department of Treasury (TREAS)$507,481$10,348 Department of Homeland Security (DHS)$503,936$19,095 National Science Foundation (NSF)$408,159$0 US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)$331,749$17,281 Railroad Retirement Board (RRB)$129,075$129,017 Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)$116,178$955 Small Business Administration (SBA) * $97,509$23,099 Department of the Interior (DOI)$89,328$1,265 Federal Communications Commission (FCC)$46,881$625 Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)$31,408$1,166 Department of State (DOS)$28,354$6,178 National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)$19,841$67 Smithsonian Institution (SI)$11,779$482 Agency for International Development (USAID)$5,312$109 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)$0 Total$147,202,507$48,923,784 As of June 19, 2009

10 Recovery Act Info DOE Recovery Act Clearinghouse: 1-888-DOE-RCVY (1-888-363-7289) Recovery Act Info DOE Recovery Act Clearinghouse: 1-888-DOE-RCVY (1-888-363-7289) Contact: Hank Kenchington US Department of Energy 202-586-1878 Visit: For more info …

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