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Support for the coordination of activities Joint Technology Initiatives: Background and Current State of Play Presentation to the Meeting of High-Level.

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Presentation on theme: "Support for the coordination of activities Joint Technology Initiatives: Background and Current State of Play Presentation to the Meeting of High-Level."— Presentation transcript:

1 Support for the coordination of activities Joint Technology Initiatives: Background and Current State of Play Presentation to the Meeting of High-Level Member States’ Experts on Public-Private Partnerships in Research Sean O’Reagain Head of Sector – Technology Platforms Directorate General for Research (RTD.B.2) European Commission Brussels, 11 November 2005

2 Support for the coordination of activities Why Joint Technology Initiatives? Potential Flagship Projects for More Dynamic European Economy –Focus on areas with opportunity for significant technological advances in competitiveness –scale and scope requires long-term PPPs –funding schemes of Framework Programme insufficient Framework for Dedicated Mechanism –facilitate coherent, large-scale legal structures –provide necessary leadership and co-ordination to achieve research objective

3 Support for the coordination of activities Joint Technology Initiatives: Identification Criteria (1) Strategic Importance of Topic and Clear Deliverable –acquisition of new knowledge –competitive advantage in new value domains –new value-adding activity/increased efficiency of existing activity Market Failure Hindering Optimum Technology Development –high level of risk/lengthy investment period –need for co-ordinated approach to investment –significant externalities

4 Support for the coordination of activities Joint Technology Initiatives: Identification Criteria (2) Concrete Evidence of Community Value Added –need for critical mass beyond capacity of individual Member States –increased effectiveness of Community funding and instruments –facilitate wider Community policy objectives Substantial Long-Term Industry Commitment –demonstrated commitment of resources –Openness and transparency evident –Concrete outputs with roadmaps defined

5 Support for the coordination of activities Joint Technology Initiatives: Identification Criteria (3) Inadequacy of Normal Funding Schemes –existing instruments and structures would not achieve desired outcome –ambition, scale and scope extend beyond timescale of a single Framework Programme

6 Support for the coordination of activities Joint Technology Initiatives: Potential Themes Given Current Stage of Development Six Possible Areas Identified:  Hydrogen and Fuel Cells  Aeronautics and Air Transport  Innovative Medicines  Nanoelectronics  Embedded Computing Systems  Global Monitoring for Environment and Security

7 Support for the coordination of activities Joint Technology Initiatives: Implementation Structures No “One Size Fits All” Approach –nature of technological challenges vary –stakeholder relations differ –tailored financial engineering needs Key Guiding Principles –ensure efficiency and durability of structures –support long-term stakeholder commitment –promote openness, transparency and co- operation

8 Support for the coordination of activities Joint Technology Initiatives: Implementation Structures The Structures under Treaty Article 171 meet need for adaptability and co-ordination Article 171 “The Community may set up joint undertakings or any other structure necessary for the efficient execution of Community research, technological development and demonstration programmes”

9 Support for the coordination of activities Joint Technology Initiatives INITIATIVE NOW LIES WITH INDUSTRIES CONCERNED TO MAKE CASE

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