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Tsunami Early Warning in the Indian Ocean – Joint German Indonesian Effort J. Lauterjung, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam.

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Presentation on theme: "Tsunami Early Warning in the Indian Ocean – Joint German Indonesian Effort J. Lauterjung, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tsunami Early Warning in the Indian Ocean – Joint German Indonesian Effort J. Lauterjung, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam

2 Estimated Propagation of Tsunami after the Sumatra Quake Tsunami-Propagation

3 Challenges of Tsunami Early Warning in Indonesia Subductionzone near the coastline of Indonesia (almost parallel) Traveltime of Tsunamis ~ 20 min  Reliable Warnings have to be issued within 10 min. This defines most of the system design as: Distribution of seismic stations and GPS stations Location of marine equipment (Buoys and Ocean- Bottom-Units, Tide Gauges) Integration of Tsunami simulations Design of Warning Dissemination

4 International Seismic Network in Indonesia

5 Tsunami-Buoy GPS-Antenna Communication Meteorological Instruments Accustic-Modem Oceanbottom- Seismometer Pressure Sensor Ocean-Bottom-Unit Tsunami Buoy System Tsunami

6 TEWS Instrumentation Bojensysteme Landstationen Küstenpegel

7 Tsunami Early Warning System

8 EARLY WARNING APPLICATION: SPATIAL ANALYSER DECISION PROCESS CONTROLLER SPATIAL ANALYSER WARNING DISPATCHER Simulation Match Data Selection Intersection & Analysis Warning Generation & Delivery Input: Event Parameters Output: Event yes/no I: Event Parameters O: Best fitting simulation I: Best fitting simulation O: Hazard Map & Aux Data of event area I: Hazard Map & Aux Data O: Vulnerability & Damage Maps I: Vulnerability & Damage Maps + recommendations („warning chain“) O: Warning Dossier Event Trigger Controlling of EW modules and processes

9 UNESCO Framework Intergovernmental Coordination Group Coordination of national activities with the aim to define policies, protocols and standards for the establishment of an Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System Working Groups: Seismology Ocean Instrumentation Tsunami Modelling and Risk Modelling Interoperability of National Warning Centres

10 Outlook Instrumentation almost complete and operational within the next 2-3 years, including national warning centres Needs Reference architecture for the overall system Operating infrastructures for dissemination of warnings Platform for the interoperability and interaction between national Warning Centres

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