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1 Directorate General for Energy and Transports European Commission EU Policy on Renewable Energy Sources & Energy Efficiency Karl Kellner Head of Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Directorate General for Energy and Transports European Commission EU Policy on Renewable Energy Sources & Energy Efficiency Karl Kellner Head of Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Directorate General for Energy and Transports European Commission EU Policy on Renewable Energy Sources & Energy Efficiency Karl Kellner Head of Unit DG Energy and Transport European Commission

2 2 Directorate General for Energy and Transports EU RES/RUE Policy: Priorities (1) To achieve a less energy intensity economic growth To ensure long term security of energy supply To reduce Green House Gas emissions and climate change effects EU Strategy for Sustainable Development & Energy Policy main priorities: the Lisbon and Göteborg processes To increase endogenous and environmental friendly energy production

3 3 Directorate General for Energy and Transports EU RES/RUE Policy: Priorities (2) RES development: To increase RES market penetration To foster transition of RES technologies from innovation demonstration to market Targeted research To reduce energy intensity To increase EE in final uses (industry, buildings, services and transport) To improve EE in equipment, domestic appliances, etc. New & Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Efficiency and Demand Management RUE improvement:

4 4 Directorate General for Energy and Transports RES/RUE Community Targets To double the share of renewable energy from 6% to 12% of gross energy consumption in Europe (Union’s E-15) by 2010 To establish a framework to increase the share of green electricity from 14% to 21% of gross electricity consumption by 2010 To achieve a share of 5.75 % of biofuels for transport in the total amount of fuels in Europe by 2010 To realise a savings potential of around 22% by 2010 for energy used in heating, air- conditioning, hot water and lighting

5 5 Directorate General for Energy and Transports Adapt and strengthen the European Union’s action in the legislative and financial areas Community action on the basis of most performant individual Member States initiatives to achieve common goals while ensuring complementarity Legislative measures Support programmes The Commission initiatives promoting: - electricity from renewable sources - biofuels - energy efficiency in buildings - co-generation Existing support programmes must be strengthened in the period 2003-2006: - 6th RTD Framework Programme - Intelligent Energy Europe EU RES/RUE Policy: Instruments

6 6 Directorate General for Energy and Transports Legislative measures

7 7 Directorate General for Energy and Transports Promotion of the RES electricity in the Internal Market Quantified national targets for consumption of electricity from renewable sources of energy National support schemes plus, if necessary, a harmonised support system Simplification of national administrative procedures for authorisation Guaranteed access to transmission and distribution of electricity from renewable energy sources Directive 2001/77/EC of 27.09.2001 OJ L 283 of 27.1.2001, page 33

8 8 Directorate General for Energy and Transports Promotion of biofuels Directive 2003/30/EC of 8 May 2003 OJ L 123 of 17.5.2003, page 42 Objectives: Member States should ensure by end of 2005 a 2% minimum proportion of biofuels of all gasoline and diesel fuels sold on their market. Schedule for the indicative share: 2005 - 2% 2010 - 5.75% Enters into force immediately, MS confirm targets or propose “motivated” lower levels Transposition

9 9 Directorate General for Energy and Transports Taxation of Energy Products Directive 2003/96/CE of 27 October 2003 OJ L 283, p.51 of 31.10.2003 Council Directive restructuring the Community framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity Article 16 on “Biofuels and other products produced from biomass” allows MS to apply exemption or reduced rate of taxation Into force from 31.10.2003 MS to inform the Commission on the list of reductions or exemption by 31.12.2004 and after that date every 12 months Transposition

10 10 Directorate General for Energy and Transports Promotion of CHP Definition of CHP - E E criteria to define high efficiency CHP Guarantee of origin Easier access to electricity grid Reporting on national potential for high efficiency CHP, barriers, implementation and progress Increase energy efficiency Improve security of energy supply Promote cogeneration for primary energy saving Proposed measures Directive 2004/8/CE of 11 February 2004 OJ L 52, p. 50 of 21.2.2004

11 11 Directorate General for Energy and Transports To improve the environmental performance of energy-using products during their whole life cycle by setting requirements at the design stage Proposal on Energy-end-use Efficiency and Energy Services To promote cost-effective energy efficiency with targets, mechanisms, incentives, institutional, financial & legal frameworks Directive on ECO-design of Energy-Using Products Directive 2002/91/EC Energy Performance of Buildings Promoting the improvement of energy performance of buildings within the EU through cost-effective measures Savings potential of around 22% by 2010 for energy used in heating, air- conditioning, hot water and lighting EE related legislative measures

12 12 Directorate General for Energy and Transports Support Programmes

13 13 Directorate General for Energy and Transports 6th Framework Programme (2002-2006)

14 14 Directorate General for Energy and Transports FP6: Priority 6.1 “Sustainable Energy Systems” Short and medium-term research areas / topics  CLEAN ENERGY, IN PARTICULAR RENEWABLES  Cost effective supply  Large scale integration of RES  ENERGY SAVINGS AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY  Eco-buildings  Polygeneration  ALTERNATIVE MOTOR FUELS  Biofuels, natural gas and H 2  CIVITAS 2 CONCERTO

15 15 Directorate General for Energy and Transports Cost-effective supply of renewable energies: (STREP’s) (CA’s) (SSA’s) Automated biomass heating systems Solar heating and cooling Innovative wind farms, components and design tools PV technologies / products, Ocean / marine energy technologies, Geothermal energy Small Hydro (no STREP’s only SSA’s,CA’s) Topics open in the 4th Call of FP6 (1/2)

16 16 Directorate General for Energy and Transports Eco-buildings (STREP’s) Grid issues (STREPs), (CA’s) (SSA’s) Distributed generation Linked to large scale wind power generation Polygeneration (STREP’s) Thematic Promotion and Dissemination (SSA’s) CIVITAS Dissemination and Best Practice Transfer Action ( one SSA) CONCERTO II (IP’s) Topics open in the 4th Call of FP6 (2/2)

17 17 Directorate General for Energy and Transports CONCERTO CONCERTO supports concrete initiatives of local communities working towards a completely integrated energy policy,harmonizing a substantial use of RES with innovative technologies and systems to minimize energy consumption and to improve the quality of citizens’ lives. WHAT IS

18 18 Directorate General for Energy and Transports The 3 Essential Components of a CONCERTO project RES Ecobuildings Integration

19 19 Directorate General for Energy and Transports FP6 4th call for proposals To be launched in June 2005 Deadline for submission of proposals December 2005 Information day 17 June 2005 in Brussels Revised Workprogramme text (short and medium term actions)

20 20 Directorate General for Energy and Transports Intelligent Energy Europe Programme (2003-2006)

21 21 Directorate General for Energy and Transports The IE-E programme « Intelligent Energy - Europe » A multiannual programme for action in the field of energy (2003-2006): EU single instrument for non- technological Community support activity in the energy field Intelligent energy for Europe: the “renewable energy” and the “energy efficiency” fields redirects international support towards renewable energy and energy efficiency introduces a new field : energy aspects of transport strengthens SAVE ALTENER STEER COOPENER

22 22 Directorate General for Energy and Transports IE-E Budget The financial framework for EU-15 is € 200 million for the period of 2003-2006 Rational use of energy and demand management New and renewable energies and diversification of energy production Energy aspects of transport International promotion of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency Total in million € By field of action: SAVE ALTENER STEER COOPENER

23 23 Directorate General for Energy and Transports Next steps - New Actions A Community action plan for biomass Developing renewable energy actions in heating & cooling Offshore wind policy Electricity from solar energy Research and technological development Future Financial Perspectives Using major Community financing instruments Structural and cohesion funds, second pillar of the CAP Placing biofuels on the market Communication COM(2004) 366 final Under discussion at the EP & the Council

24 24 Directorate General for Energy and Transports More information Homepage DG Energy and Transport: WEB SITES CONCERTO CIVITAS FP6 Cordis homepage: Helpdesk:

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