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AceMedia dissemination and awareness 15 - 16 February 2006 Paola Hobson, Motorola Labs, aceMedia co-ordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "AceMedia dissemination and awareness 15 - 16 February 2006 Paola Hobson, Motorola Labs, aceMedia co-ordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 aceMedia dissemination and awareness 15 - 16 February 2006 Paola Hobson, Motorola Labs, aceMedia co-ordinator

2 Text 2 aceMedia vision aceMedia aims to discover and exploit knowledge inherent in multimedia content, making it more relevant for the user and automating annotation. Content Creation Content Analysis & Annotation Intelligent Search & Presentation Storage Transmission aceMedia addresses both consumers and professional content providers, in fixed and mobile domains, supporting PC, set-top box and mobile devices

3 Text 3 aceMedia vision Link to video

4 Text 4 Dissemination and awareness 2006-7  Dissemination objectives and methods ♣demonstration of activity level, and achieving scientific and technological progress ♣proving the quality of the research and gaining feedback on project quality ♣supporting exploitation by awareness building amongst potential customers and exploitation partners ♣supporting exploitation via interoperability  Audiences for aceMedia dissemination ♣technical (our peers in the research community) ♣general public, who may be possible future purchasers of products and services arising from the project ♣non-technical commercial people, who will be assessing the business opportunities that aceMedia could bring.  Dissemination methods ♣peer reviewed papers and presentations at scientific conferences ♣general public and non-specialist events such as exhibitions and workshops ♣standards activities which create an environment for interoperability and raise awareness amongst experts ♣clustering via workshops and exchanges of deliverables

5 Text 5 Main targeted actions 2006-7  Conference submissions to European Semantic Web conference, International Semantic Web conference, ICIP, ICASSP, CIVR, WWW06  aceMedia organised special sessions/workshops at WIAMIS, ISCAS, VIE2006, MobileHCI  standards contributions to MPEG (SVC), JPEG (JPSearch), W3C (linked to the SWBP WG)  cluster workshop Semantic and Digital Media Technologies SAMT 2006 (formerly EWIMT), 7 - 8 December, Athens, Greece  submission to the IST conference November 2006  aceMedia Summer School 4 - 8 September 2006 (jointly with K-Space)

6 Text 6 Contact  Email :  Website : http://www.aceMedia.org

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