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Opportunities for the cultural sector Claude POLIART DG Information Society (IFSO)

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Presentation on theme: "Opportunities for the cultural sector Claude POLIART DG Information Society (IFSO)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opportunities for the cultural sector Claude POLIART DG Information Society (IFSO)

2 V FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME 5 thematic and 3 horizontal programmes IST Information Society Technologies Programme IST combines ESPRIT, ACTS & TAP

3 IST Programme - Key Action 1: Systems and services for the citizens. - Key Action 2: New methods of work and electronic commerce. - Key Action 3: Multimedia content and tools.  Digital heritage and cultural content. - Key Action 4: Essential technologies and infrastructures. + 2 Horizontal actions


5 Key action III Multimedia content & tools - Interactive electronic publishing  Digital heritage and cultural content - Education & training - New language technologies - Information accessing, filtering, analyzing & handling

6 Digital heritage & cultural content Research priorities: - integrated access - large repositories - preservation & access Participants: - memory institutions - technical and content-related organisations 1999 focus: - Access to scientific & cultural heritage. - Digital preservation

7 - ALIII.2.3, Access to scientific and cultural heritage - call for proposals launched on 19 March 1999 & closed on 16 June 1999. - ALIII.2.4, Digital preservation of cultural heritage - call for proposals has been open on 1 October 1999 and will be closed on 17 January 2000. Workprogramme 1999

8 Objective: To improve access by citizens and professionals to Europe’s fast-growing science and culture knowledge base, through developing advanced functionalities and systems for large-scale distributed collections of cultural and scientific multimedia resources. Action Line III.2.3: Access to scientific and cultural heritage

9 Focus:  Interoperability, exchangeability, metadata  Common and easy interfacing  Cross-domain resource discovery  Standards and protocols  New business and exploitation models, rights management Action Line III.2.3: Access to scientific and cultural heritage

10 Action Line III.2.4: Digital preservation of cultural heritage Objective: To address new ways of representing and managing different kinds of digital cultural objects from different media sources, with special attention given to surrogates of fragile physical objects.

11 Action Line III.2.4: Digital preservation of cultural heritage Focus:  Preserving distributed digital collections  Digital surrogates of fragile materials  Scalability of digital archives  Quality, affordability and acceptability

12 International co-operation - Achieve consensus - Promote exchange - Strengthen scientific and technological co- operation - Strengthen business co-operation

13 International co-operation IST Programme is open to: - EU / EFTA - Research agreements - Accession countries (C&EE) - Third countries (INCO II)

14 Digital Heritage and Cultural Content Creating a European cultural information landscape

15 DigiCult Web page t/

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