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EFI Regional Office Central Eastern Europe. Work Programme 2009-2013 16 August 20142 Organisation and Work Areas Forest sector policy & economics incl.

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Presentation on theme: "EFI Regional Office Central Eastern Europe. Work Programme 2009-2013 16 August 20142 Organisation and Work Areas Forest sector policy & economics incl."— Presentation transcript:

1 EFI Regional Office Central Eastern Europe

2 Work Programme 2009-2013 16 August 20142 Organisation and Work Areas Forest sector policy & economics incl. Innovation Sustainability measurement Forest sector policy & economics incl. Innovation Sustainability measurement Land use change incl. Land use modelling CC adaptation and mitigation Land use change incl. Land use modelling CC adaptation and mitigation Forest ecosystem management incl. SFM strategies under CC (modelling, DSS) Vulnerability of mountain ecosystems Forest ecosystem management incl. SFM strategies under CC (modelling, DSS) Vulnerability of mountain ecosystems Research Capacity building Networking Advocacy Dissemination

3 CEEC Core partners of EFI CEEC List of CEEC core partners as of 15. August 2008 New core partners since 15. August 2008: Bulgaria: University of Forestry, Sofia Czech Republic: Mendel University, Brno

4 Network partners of EFI CEEC List of network partners from CEECs as of 15. August 2008 Interest of becoming a network partner since 15. August 2008: Slovenia: Forest Research Institute, Ljubljana Turkey: 2 Universities

5 Associated Partners of EFI CEEC Associated partners are partners outside the CEEC region who are willing and able to be a core partner or a network partner of the EFI RO CEE. List of Associated Partners as of 15. August 2008

6 Roadmap to the establishment of EFI Regional Office CEEC Oct 2008/ Jan 2009 Oct 2008/ April 2009 January – May 2009 March 26-27 2009 April 2009 July- Sept 2009 Proposal revision following the recommendation of the Annual Conference Agreements and contracts with donors, host and EFI Practical arrangements Preparatory meeting on work plan and administrative issues Bratislava Establishment of RO as a legal entity Feb-May 2009 Lobbying with national ministries for support June 2009 Training of RO staff at EFI HQ Formal launch of the EFI RO CEEC

7 Best wishes for EFICENT and cheers on a fruitful cooperation!

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