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May 9, 20051 Subgroup 2 Renewable forest resources: Providing competitative goods for manufacturing Themes 4. Forest trees for the future 5. Re-engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "May 9, 20051 Subgroup 2 Renewable forest resources: Providing competitative goods for manufacturing Themes 4. Forest trees for the future 5. Re-engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 May 9, 20051 Subgroup 2 Renewable forest resources: Providing competitative goods for manufacturing Themes 4. Forest trees for the future 5. Re-engineering wood supply 6. New market strategies for non-wood forest products (NWFP)

2 May 9, 20052 Theme 4 Forest trees for the future Identification of superior genotypes for propagation in various genera Functional analysis of genes, and studies of molecular processes, determining wood and fibre properties Genetic engineering of growth and wood properties Elucidating dependency of wood quality on genes, growth regulators and environmental parameters Functional analysis of genes, and studies of molecular processes, controlling pest and disease resistance, water and nutritional biologi for increased survival and growth Technology for mass propagation through sexual and vegetative methods

3 May 9, 20053 Theme 4 Innovation Breakthroughs in increased production of biomass Production of trees with wood quality for different use of wood raw materials Increased economic yield Increased resilience and reduced vulnerability for trees to hazards, pests and diseases Adaptive regeneration material to climate change 0.5% annual increase in productivity of the improved seed sources

4 May 9, 20054 Theme 5 Re-engineering wood supply Tailoring raw-materials for end-products Efficient and enivironmenal friendly forest operations Supply chain management

5 May 9, 20055 Theme 5 Innovation Significant improvement of utilising and adapting raw materials for end-products Significant productivity increase and reduction of environmental drawbacks of forest operations systems New and integrated supply chain management - - ”the digital information chain” New designed operations for increased use of forest biomass for energy and new products

6 May 9, 20056 Theme 6 New market strategies for non-wood forest products (NWFP) Identification of potential markets for NWFP Management, utilisation, transforming and marketing NWFP Develop new business and market models for NWFP, including incentives, information & education Implementation, social and legal aspects

7 May 9, 20057 Theme 6 Innovation Providing forest owners with new income opportunities New bio-based products for the consumer Exploring NFWPs for a healthier society Changing the behaviour of new generations through increased understanding of SFM

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