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Climate change and rising seas Environmental Science 21 October 2009 Donald Winslow Readings: Withgott & Brennan 2009 Essential Environment, 3rd ed., Ch.

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Presentation on theme: "Climate change and rising seas Environmental Science 21 October 2009 Donald Winslow Readings: Withgott & Brennan 2009 Essential Environment, 3rd ed., Ch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate change and rising seas Environmental Science 21 October 2009 Donald Winslow Readings: Withgott & Brennan 2009 Essential Environment, 3rd ed., Ch 14 pp 303-325 Lester Brown, Plan B 3.0, Chapter 3

2 Climate change Milankovitch cycles CO 2 and temperature Anthropogenic climate change CO 2 emissions CH 4 emissions Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Remedies

3 Milankovitch cycles Shape of Earth's orbit Tilt of axis Wobble

4 CO 2 and temperature

5 Anthropogenic climate change Evidence & effects Temperature, CO 2, melting ice, rising seas Hurricanes Species distributions Pronounced warming at higher latititudes Increases in photosynthesis from increased CO 2 Decreases in photosynthesis from increased T

6 Civilization & the New World Readings from Lester Brown 2008. Plan B 3.0; Chapter 3

7 Features of Plan B Electronic version available as pdf files References Data sets as xls files “Cutting carbon emissions 80% by 2020”

8 Rising temperatures & rising seas Effects of rising temperature Crop yield Reservoirs in the sky Melting ice & rising seas Destructive storms Cutting carbon emissions 80% by 2020

9 Sea level rise IPCC estimate 18-59 cm by 2100 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Estimate based on data thru 2006 Considering 2007 melting, maybe 200 cm After Greenland & West Antarctic Ice Sheet melt: 700-1200 cm

10 Arctic ice on 16 September 2008 Photo by NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, via Reuters

11 EPA study of sea level rise

12 Gulf of Mexico after 12 m rise in sea level,-85.4297&z=12&m=12 Alex@firetreeAlex@firetree in the UK

13 Montane glacial melt Implications for agriculture Himalayas & Tibetan Plateau Feed all major rivers of China & India Necessary for rice production

14 Remedies Emission reduction Carbon sequestration Increasing albedo Adapting to change

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