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Definitions EMR: Electronic medical record (replacement of paper charts) EHR: Electronic health record (subset of EMR) PHR: Personal health record (owned.

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Presentation on theme: "Definitions EMR: Electronic medical record (replacement of paper charts) EHR: Electronic health record (subset of EMR) PHR: Personal health record (owned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Definitions EMR: Electronic medical record (replacement of paper charts) EHR: Electronic health record (subset of EMR) PHR: Personal health record (owned by patient, WebMD) CHR: Community health record (owned by patient and parent organization, DOSSIA) ERL: Electronic record locator (finds EMR, EHR, etc.) HIE: Health information exchange (facilitates record sharing) MPI: Master person (patient) identifier (unique ID) PM: Practice management (includes EMR, scheduling, billing and related functions) PHI: Protected health information (information that can only be shared under specific circumstances) HIT: Health information technology (from telemedicine to EMR)

2 HospitalHospital with clinics NM DOH Public health offices NM DOH Facilities Hospital without EMR NMMRA private practicesOther private practices PCA clinics Independent Physicians Groups Potential HIE EMR Landscape PharmaciesLabs

3 Health Information Grant Program Governance NM DOH Oversight Committee Telehealth and Health Information Technology Commission Grantee 1Grantee 2Grantee 3 Sub-grantee 1 Sub-grantee 2 Sub-grantee 3 Sub-grantee 1 Sub-grantee 2 Sub-grantee 3

4 July 1 Funding available June 30 Projects complete September 15 Draft contracts to grantees October 1 Contracts signed October 15 Matching funds committed November 1 Projects begin Health Information Grant Program Timeline

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