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04/28/2010 Department of Health Planning Certification Request Health Emergency Management (HEM) Systems Project.

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Presentation on theme: "04/28/2010 Department of Health Planning Certification Request Health Emergency Management (HEM) Systems Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 04/28/2010 Department of Health Planning Certification Request Health Emergency Management (HEM) Systems Project

2 Project Overview Procure By RFP & Implement 1. National Hospital Available Beds for Emergencies and Disasters (HAvBED) 2. Emergency Systems for the Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR VHP) 3. Patient Tracking 4. Health Alert Network (HAN)

3 Schematic

4 Funds requested for this certification: $15,000 Project Phase Certification Request: Initiation Total project budget: $320,000 Previously Certified: $0 Estimated Project End Date: January, 2011 Financial Overview

5 Initiation Phase Accomplishments Requirements definition for all four HEM applications IV&V Defined IV&V needs and scope Requested and received IV&V proposals Accepted proposal from Bency and Associates Developed RFP Developed Project Management Plan

6 Planning Phase Major Deliverables RFP process Receive and evaluate proposals; select most advantageous Negotiate contract Develop SOW Develop detailed budget and timeline IV&V IV&V contract executed IV&V project plan (contractor deliverable) Revise PMP based on the work above Prepare for Implementation Certification

7 Certification Schedule Phases Planned Certification Date Amount to be requested Major Deliverable(s) / Performance Measures Initiation:10/28/2009-0-  Requirements Definition  Funding Strategy  Procurement Strategy  RFP Development  IV&V Proposals Planning:04/2010$15,000  Complete RFP process  Vendor Proposals Evaluation /Selection  Contract & SOW  IV&V Contract  IV&V plan  IV&V initial reports Implementation:07/2010$305,000  IV&V Reports  Acquisition and Implementation Contract  Implement, test, deploy chosen solutions Closeout:01/2011-0-  Close-out report; transition to operations.

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