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Emergency Evacuation Information Training

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1 Emergency Evacuation Information Training
Area and Floor Monitors Fall 2007

2 2 Types of Evacuations Floor Building

3 FLOOR The fire alarm will sound and strobe lights will flash on your floor. Other areas of the building may not be affected. A floor evacuation means that your floor proceeds to the designated area in the other building. Services Center employees go to Courtroom 1 on the 1st floor of the Courthouse. Courthouse employees go to the Auditorium on the 2nd floor of the Services Center.

4 BUILDING The fire alarm will sound and strobe lights will flash on your floor. In addition, an announcement will be made over the public address system. A building evacuation means that ALL floors need to evacuate to the Sovereign Center. Proceed to your assigned section in the Sovereign Center. If you do not have your County identification badge with you, you will not be admitted to the Sovereign Center.

5 What Do You Do When You Evacuate?
Take all essential items from your work area. (coat, purse, etc.) Log off your computer if possible or lock your workstation. (To lock your workstation, click Ctrl, Alt, Del and then click on “Lock Computer”). Leave all drinks behind.

6 Evacuation Routes Courthouse
Employees on the upper levels (10th floor and above) will exit down the West Center stairwell. Employees on the lower levels (9th floor and below) will utilize the closest stairwell on the far East or far West side of the floor. 8th floor will exit down the West Center stairwell. East outside stairs will exit onto Reed Street. Proceed over Court Street to bridge to Sovereign Center. West outside stairs will exit onto 6th Street. Proceed down 6th Street to Penn Street and make a left to the Sovereign Center. West Center stairs will exit into the main lobby. Exit building and proceed over the Court Street bridge to the Sovereign Center. If you need special assistance, proceed to the Center stairwell near the elevators and wait for a floor monitor and/or emergency personnel for further instructions.

7 Evacuation Routes Services Center
Employees on the North side of the building should proceed down the North Stairwell exiting on Washington Street. Proceed East around to the front of the building. Then proceed to Court Street and go over the Washington Street Bridge to the Sovereign Center. Employees on the South side of the building should proceed down the South Stairwell exiting on Court Street. Then proceed West over the bridge to the Sovereign Center. If you need special assistance, proceed to the Center stairwell near the elevators and wait for a floor monitor and/or emergency personnel for further instructions.


9 Area (Department) Safety Monitor Responsibility
Area Safety Monitors are responsible for a designated section of a floor. Each Department on a floor will have an Area Safety Monitor and alternates. Reports to the Floor Safety Monitor. Failure to report the status can compromise the safety and security of persons and property. If the Floor Safety Monitor cannot be located, attempt to report to the Building Safety Monitor, and then the Command Post. Area Safety Monitors are responsible for ensuring that employees are following emergency procedures and that their area is cleared.

10 Area (Department) Safety Monitor Responsibility Cont.....
There shall be one (1) Area Safety Monitor and two (2) alternates for each area of the Courthouse and Services Center. The Area Safety Monitor checks on the well being of special needs individuals and directs them to the appropriate stairwell as mentioned in Section (b)(ii) for evacuation. Reports to the Floor Safety Monitor, stationed by the elevator on their floor, on the number and location of special needs individuals needing evacuation as necessary. Performs additional duties as assigned by the Floor Safety Monitor, Building Safety Monitor or Command Post.

11 Floor (Common Area) Safety Monitor Responsibility
Serves as the assigned floor point of contact for the Building Safety Monitor and is the supervisor of Area Safety Monitors assigned on their floor. Responsible for ensuring that common floor areas have been cleared and checked and assigned Area Safety Monitors have completed their tasks. Physically reports to the Building Safety Monitor in the main lobby of the building at the security check point when their floor is cleared. Failure to report the status can compromise the safety and security of persons and property. If the Building Safety Monitor cannot be located, physically report to the Command Post.

12 Floor (Common Area) Safety Monitor Responsibility Cont.....
There shall be one (1) Floor Safety Monitor and two (2) alternates for each floor of the Courthouse and Services Center to include one monitor and alternates for the parking garage in the Services Center. Reports to the Building Safety Monitor, in the main lobby of the building at the security check point, on the number and location of special needs individuals needing evacuation as necessary.

13 Building Safety Monitor Responsibility
Serve as point of contact for all Floor Safety Monitors. Will wear orange vest for Floor monitor visibility. Building Safety Monitors report to the Incident Command Post once all Floor Monitors have reported status of their designated areas. Failure to report the status can compromise the safety and security of persons and property. There shall be one (1) Building Safety Monitor and two (2) alternates for the Courthouse and one (1) Building Safety Monitor and two (2) alternates for the Services Center.

14 Building Safety Monitor Responsibility (con’t.).....
Insures all stairwells are checked for anyone needing evacuation assistance. Reports to office of the Manager of Safety and Security, in the Courthouse and advises him/her as to the number and location of special needs individuals needing evacuation.

15 Specific Emergency Procedures
Reporting an Emergency Security Emergency Ext. 4999 Non-Emerg. Ext. 6352 Fire 9-911 Police Ambulance

16 Questions?

17 Medical Emergencies Phone and advise the call-taker of the nature of the emergency. The 911 call-taker will notify Security to respond and assist until emergency medical personnel arrive. If the caller indicates a possible heart attack, Security will respond with the Automatic External Defibrillator (AED).

18 In case of injury or illness, personnel should quickly perform the following steps:
Keep the victim still and comfortable. Do not move the victim unless it is absolutely necessary to prevent further injury or death. Ask the victim, “Are you OK?” and “What is wrong?” Continue a dialogue with the victim in order to prevent them from going into shock. Control serious bleeding by applying direct pressure to the wound. Continue to assist the victim until help arrives. Look for emergency medical ID tags on the wrist or neck. Question witnesses as to what happened.

19 Fire Activate the building’s fire alarm system.
Phone and advise the call-taker the nature of the emergency. Notify Security at extension 4999 and advise them of the nature of the emergency. Secure valuables or take them with you. Close windows, leave lights on and close all doors. Do not attempt to use the elevator. Promptly leave the building by the safest and closest exit and report to the evacuation point. Assist persons with disabilities where possible. If you become trapped in a building during a fire, and a window is available, place an article of clothing (shirt, coat, etc.) outside of or affixed to the window as a marker for rescue crews. If there are no windows, stay near the floor where the air would be less toxic. Shout at regular intervals to alert emergency crews of your location.

20 Natural Disasters If you are inside, seek refuge in a safe place. Stay away from glass windows, shelves, and heavy objects. If you are outside, move quickly away from buildings, utility poles, trees, and other structures. Use caution when approaching downed power lines as they may be energized. If you are in an automobile, stop in the safest place available, preferably away from power lines and trees. Stop as quickly as safety permits, but stay in the vehicle for shelter. After the initial shock, evaluate the situation and if emergency help is necessary, call Security at extension 4999.

21 Natural Disasters Cont.....
Damaged facilities should be reported to the Security Department who will coordinate with the Maintenance Department on a course of action. If an emergency exists, activate the building fire alarm system. When the building fire alarm is activated, walk to the nearest marked exit and proceed to the evacuation point. Do not return to the evacuated building unless told to do so by Security.

22 Chemical Spills Any spillage of a hazardous chemical shall be reported immediately to Security at extension 4999 and to your supervisor. When reporting, be specific about the nature and quantity of the involved material and the exact location. The responsible party on site should evacuate the affected area at once and deny entry to prevent further contamination until the arrival of Security. Anyone who may be contaminated by the spill is to avoid contact with others as much as possible, remain in the vicinity and give their names to Security.

23 Chemical Spills Cont…. If an emergency exists, activate the building fire alarm system. When the building fire alarm system is activated, walk to the nearest marked exit and proceed to the evacuation point. Do not return to the evacuated building unless told to do so by Security.

24 Suspicious Mail/Parcel Threats
Upon discovery of a suspicious package or suspicious material (white powder or otherwise), individuals involved are to immediately contact Security at extension 4999 and advise them of the details concerning the incident and obtain instructions on how to proceed. A copy of the “Suspicious Parcel Information Sheet” shall be completed and forwarded to Security. The employee shall also notify their supervisor about the incident.

25 Characteristics of a “Suspicious Mail Parcel”
The address is handwritten and has no return address or bears an address that you cannot confirm is legitimate. The letter/package is sealed with excessive amounts of tape. The letter/package has excessive postage. The letter/package is of unusual weight, given its size, or is lopsided or oddly shaped. The letter/package is marked with restrictive endorsements such as “Personal” or “Confidential.” The letter/package has protruding wires, strange odors or stains. The postmark is from a city or state that does not match the return address. The letter/package is unexpected or from someone unfamiliar to you. The letter/package is addressed to someone no longer with the organization or address information is otherwise outdated.

26 If a suspicious mail parcel is received, take the following actions immediately:
Do not shake, bump, open, or empty the contents of any suspicious envelope or package. Do not handle the letter/package as it may be contaminated. Do not smell, touch or taste it. Isolate the letter/package immediately. Cover the letter/package with anything (clothing, paper, trash can, plastic bag, etc.) and do not remove the cover. To prevent further possible contamination, use a paper towel, tissues, paper, etc. to serve as a barrier to your hands from touching other areas such as the doorknob, phone, etc. Leave the room and close the door, or section off the area to prevent others from entering. Wash your hands with soap and water to prevent spreading any further contamination. List all people who were in the room or area when the letter/package was identified. Provide this list to Security for follow-up investigations.

Your Name: _________________________________________________ Your Supervisor’s Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Location you are calling from: ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone extension you are calling from: _______________________________________________________________________ Time of discovery: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Location of discovery: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Type of suspected material: Letter _____ Package _____ Other __________________________________________________ The material is: Open __________ Closed __________________________________________________________________ Why do you consider the materials suspicious? (Refer to the typical Characteristics of a suspicious parcel) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Did you observe any powder on the material? Yes _____ No ____________________________________________________ If yes, what color is the powder? ___________________________________________________________________________ List of people who came in contact with the material ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ List of people who were in the area at the time of the discovery __________________________________________________

28 Criminal Offenses When a criminal offense occurs, remain calm and immediately report the incident to Security at extension 4999. Security will respond to the location and contact law enforcement authorities in accordance with the following protocols: For offenses taking place during normal business hours (Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm excluding holidays and closings), the Berks County Sheriff’s Department will be the initial point of contact. The Berks County Sheriff’s Department will advise the Manager of Safety and Security of criminal offenses that have taken place within the Berks County Courthouse and Services Center.

29 Criminal Offenses Cont.....
For offenses taking place during non-business hours (including holidays and closings) the Reading Bureau of Police will be the initial point of contact. For all offenses taking place on the exterior of the Courthouse and Services Center, the Reading Bureau of Police will be the initial point of contact. For offenses taking place within the Courthouse and Services Center, the affected department head of the area shall be notified by Security as soon as possible.

30 Utility Failure Utility failure includes any interruption or loss of a utility service, power source, or equipment needed to keep the Courthouse and Services Center in operation. To report utility failures during normal business hours, contact the Maintenance Department at extension 6201 and Security at extension 4999. To report utility failures during non-business hours, contact Security at extension 4999. Department Heads shall be notified by the Maintenance Department (during normal business hours) and by Security during non-business hours when utility failures cause or have the eminent potential to cause damage to their area.

31 Utility Failure Cont..... The following sections provide detailed instructions on how to respond to the various types of utility failures. Electrical Power Outage Unplug coffee pots or any other heating apparatus. Do not light candles, matches, or lighters. Emergency lighting will remain on to evacuate the building safely. Follow established evacuation procedures. Contact Maintenance and Security.

32 Utility Failure Cont… Gas Leak Plumbing Failure
Do not turn lights on or off. Do not light candles, matches or lighters. Do not use the telephone in the affected area; go to Security in person to report the gas leak. Plumbing Failure If flooding occurs, avoid contact with the water to eliminate the potential for electrical shock. Contact Maintenance and Security.

33 Utility Failure Cont..... Elevator Failure
If stuck inside, use the emergency elevator phone or alarm button to call for help. To avoid potential injury, do not pry open the door or overhead hatch. Calmly await arrival of the Reading Fire Department. Contact Maintenance and Security.

34 Railroad Derailment In the event of a railroad derailment contact the Berks County Communications Center by dialing 911, or from within the Courthouse and/or Services Center, to report the derailment. Contact and inform Security at extension 4999. Entrance and exit by the East lobby doors of the Services Center will be prohibited during a derailment.

35 For your protection: Stay calm
Listen for an evacuation alarm and follow instructions accordingly. Proceed to an evacuation site as announced over the public address system by Security and report to your area supervisor upon arrival at the evacuation site. Alternate evacuation sites may need to be used if access to the primary evacuation site (Sovereign Center) is blocked by the train. Do not return to the building/s until instructed to do so by Security, the Fire Department and/or law enforcement authorities. Stay away from windows and exterior doors. Explosions may occur as a result of derailment. Stay away from the derailment site. Maintenance personnel will turn off ventilation to the building in the event of a chemical spill from the derailment. If you suspect that you inhaled toxic fumes or if you become injured or sick, seek medical attention immediately and inform your supervisor.

36 Bomb Threat Bomb threats are usually received by telephone. The call is short in duration, and the caller usually refuses to answer any questions. Generally, the rule is that if there is a bomb, the caller will prove it to you very quickly. In a real situation, you will be presented with supporting information that can only mean that the caller is legitimate. Otherwise, and without specific and verifiable information, there is probably no device. If you receive a bomb threat, initiate the following steps: Be calm and listen carefully Obtain as much information as possible, using the “Bomb Threat Worksheet” as a guide. Do not interrupt or antagonize the caller. If possible, signal to another person to listen in on the caller. Complete the “Bomb Threat Worksheet” and bring it to Security.

37 Explosion Activate the building fire alarm system.
Phone and advise the call-taker the nature of the emergency. Notify Security at extension 4999 and advise them of the nature of the emergency. After the initial effects of the explosion and/or fire have subsided, IMMEDIATELY EXIT THE BUILDING!!!! Do not attempt to use the elevator. Promptly leave the building by the safest and closest exit and report to the evacuation point. Assist persons with disabilities where possible.

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