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Public Scoping Meeting December 3, 2012
Beaumont Avenue Recharge Facility and Pipeline Project San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency Public Scoping Meeting December 3, 2012
Outline of Scoping Meeting
Purpose of the Scoping Meeting Description of the Proposed Project CEQA Document Potential Environmental Issues CEQA Process Schedule
Purpose of Scoping Meeting
Describe Project Explain CEQA Process Identify Environmental Issues Record Public Comments
Project Background The Beaumont Basin presently experiences an overdraft condition The estimated safe yield for Beaumont Basin is 6,100 afy, while the current overdraft is approximately 7,369 afy The Agency can presently import a maximum of 12,000 afy of their 17,300 afy annual allotment with their existing infrastructure The proposed Project, along with increased capacity following completion of Phase II of the SWP EBX (estimated 2014), would enable the Agency to obtain its full allotment of SWP Water
Proposed Project The proposed project includes three primary onsite components: Recharge Facility Underground Pipeline Service Connection Facility The proposed project also includes an offsite parcel to be potentially used for a temporary staging area and/or excess soil disposal site
The Proposed Project
Recharge Facility
Recharge Facility 44-acre parcel at the southwest corner of Beaumont Avenue and Brookside Avenue Consisting of a series of five tiers, separated by berms Raised embankments along the perimeter would be a maximum of eight feet above existing surrounding grade The basins would be unlined to allow groundwater replenishment
Recharge Facility
Pipeline 24-inch underground pipeline extending north along Beaumont Avenue from the recharge facility and west along Orchard Street toward the service connection facility Approximately 7,000 linear feet in length and would extend under Noble Creek and Mountain View Channel Proposed for the western side of the Beaumont Avenue centerline and the southern side of the Orchard Street centerline Would transfer raw, imported water from the service connection site to the recharge facility
Service Connection Facility
Service Connection Facility
3.5-acre parcel south of Orchard Street and west of Mountain View Channel Up to half of the parcel would be disturbed due to construction, staging, and soil distribution activities Would connect to the existing 36-inch EBX pipeline located at the intersection of Orchard Street and Mountain View Avenue Would consist of a 120 foot by 110 foot project site that includes the service connection facility control building control various below- and above-grade pipelines and ancillary infrastructure
Offsite Staging Area/Soil Discharge Location
Offsite Staging Area/Soil Discharge Location
3.4-acre triangular parcel located south of Brookside Avenue, north of Noble Creek, and east of the Mountain View Channel Could potentially be used, along with three other locations, as a staging area during construction of the proposed project. Additionally, this parcel could potentially be used for depositing excess excavated soil as a result of excavation of the pipeline.
CEQA Document Project-Level Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
Evaluates the potential environmental effects of a specific development project Focuses primarily on the changes in the environment that would result from development of a project Examine all phases of the project, including construction and operation
CEQA Document Initial Study
An Initial Study was prepared and circulated for the 30-day public review period starting November 13, 2012 Includes a preliminary environmental review of the proposed project designed to focus the scope of environmental review and to determine the environmental issues that will and will not require further evaluation in the EIR
Potential Environmental Issues
Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources Geology and Soils Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hazards and Hazardous Materials Hydrology and Water Quality Population and Housing Noise Transportation and Traffic
Potential Environmental Issues
Air Quality Short-term Emissions Long-term Emissions Conflict with Applicable Plans Sensitive Receptors Odors
Potential Environmental Issues
Biological Resources Sensitive Plant Species Sensitive Wildlife Species Migratory Species Sensitive Habitats Wetlands Western Riverside MSHCP
Potential Environmental Issues
Cultural Resources Historical Archaeological Paleontological Burials
Potential Environmental Issues
Geology and Soils Seismic Ground Shaking Seismic-Related Ground Failure
Potential Environmental Issues
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Short-Term Emissions Long-Term Emissions Conflict with Applicable Plans
Potential Environmental Issues
Hazards and Hazardous Materials Reasonable Foreseeable Upset and Accident Conditions Handling Hazardous Material within One-Quarter Mile of Existing or Proposed Schools Hazardous Materials Sites
Potential Environmental Issues
Hydrology and Water Quality 100-Year Flood Hazard Areas Flooding Noise Short-term Stationary Noise Long-term Stationary Noise Long-term Mobile Noise Groundborne Vibration
Potential Environmental Issues
Population and Housing Inducement of Population Growth Transportation/Traffic Increase in Construction Traffic
CEQA Process Final EIR Agency Board Meeting Scoping Draft EIR
Notice of Preparation Public Scoping Meeting Draft EIR Public Review and Comment Period Final EIR Public Review Agency Board Meeting Decision on EIR
Beaumont Avenue Recharge Facility and Pipeline Project EIR
CEQA Schedule Beaumont Avenue Recharge Facility and Pipeline Project EIR Scoping November 2012 – December 2012 Draft EIR Preparation October 2012 – February 2013 Public Review of Draft EIR February 2013 – March 2013 Final EIR Preparation March 2013 – April 2013 Public Review of Final EIR May 2013 Agency Board Meeting
Public Comments on Scope of the EIR
Fill Out Comment Card Write Letter to Jeff Davis, P.E., at the SGPWA, 1210 Beaumont Avenue, Beaumont, CA 92223 Send to Jeff Davis at
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