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Institut für Roboterforschung Abteilung Informationstechnik technische universität dortmund A Cloud in a Nutshell Implementation of the Open Cloud Computing.

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Presentation on theme: "Institut für Roboterforschung Abteilung Informationstechnik technische universität dortmund A Cloud in a Nutshell Implementation of the Open Cloud Computing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institut für Roboterforschung Abteilung Informationstechnik technische universität dortmund A Cloud in a Nutshell Implementation of the Open Cloud Computing Interface on top of the libvirt Hypervisor Abstraction API Workshop on High Performance Applications on Cloud and Grid Tools, April 14, 2011 in Argonne, IL (United States)

2 Institut für Roboterforschung Abteilung Informationstechnik technische universität dortmund Dramatis personae. 2 Workshop on High Performance Applications on Cloud and Grid Tools, April 14, 2011 in Argonne, IL (United States) 14.04.11 |

3 Institut für Roboterforschung Abteilung Informationstechnik technische universität dortmund My humble view on cloud management. 3 Workshop on High Performance Applications on Cloud and Grid Tools, April 14, 2011 in Argonne, IL (United States) Gateway Protocol Resource Management Framework Service Provider Domain Resources most interoperable least interoperable 14.04.11 |

4 Institut für Roboterforschung Abteilung Informationstechnik technische universität dortmund The gateway interface: OCCI.  A protocol and API  On the boundary between  Service Provider  Service Consumer  Quite well adopted  12 or so implementations  „Clear Sky Compatible“  Simple to adapt  It doesn‘t break things  Can be extended easily RESTful Resourc es Categor ize LinkOperate Identif y 4 Workshop on High Performance Applications on Cloud and Grid Tools, April 14, 2011 in Argonne, IL (United States) 14.04.11 |

5 Institut für Roboterforschung Abteilung Informationstechnik technische universität dortmund How OCCI structures resources.  Resources  are of a Kind  may have Links  expose Actions  Categories  live in a Scheme  expose Attributes  define Actions 5 Workshop on High Performance Applications on Cloud and Grid Tools, April 14, 2011 in Argonne, IL (United States) 14.04.11 |

6 Institut für Roboterforschung Abteilung Informationstechnik technische universität dortmund Why OCCI is so nice.  It is non-intrusive  Even if you have a RESTful API defined, it is easy to add OCCI  It doesn‘t require any structural changes to the resources  They just expose more metadata  And have a defined way of invoking complex actions  It is discoverable  Even with no idea about the URL namespace, the API can be used  The various elements are „reflective“  Locations do not matter, as they are exposed  The metadata on resources gives bulk operations for free  It is extensible  Core model and HTTP rendering were hard to design, but are easy to implement  Adding a certain flavor (e.g. VM management) is a no- brainer 6 Workshop on High Performance Applications on Cloud and Grid Tools, April 14, 2011 in Argonne, IL (United States) 14.04.11 |

7 Institut für Roboterforschung Abteilung Informationstechnik technische universität dortmund The resource management framework: libvirt. „A toolkit to interact with the virtualisation capabilities of recent versions of hypervisors.“ 7 Workshop on High Performance Applications on Cloud and Grid Tools, April 14, 2011 in Argonne, IL (United States) libvirtd virshlibvirtother clients qemu/KVMXenVMware XML Resources 14.04.11 |

8 Institut für Roboterforschung Abteilung Informationstechnik technische universität dortmund Why libvirt is so nice.  Broad support for hypervisors  Home users: qemu, VirtualBox, VMware Player/Workstation  Small hosters: KVM, LXC, User Mode Linux  Large providers: Xen, OpenVZ, VMware vSphere  Very lightweight  Portable API  libvirtd does not consume many resources  Good neighbor  Support for various security flavors (Kerberos, X.509,...)  Well-integrated connectors to other systems (AMQP, CIM,...)  Easy to integrate  Various language bindings available  Hypervisor abstraction largely through XML 8 Workshop on High Performance Applications on Cloud and Grid Tools, April 14, 2011 in Argonne, IL (United States) 14.04.11 |

9 Institut für Roboterforschung Abteilung Informationstechnik technische universität dortmund How things come together. 14.04.11 | 9 Workshop on High Performance Applications on Cloud and Grid Tools, April 14, 2011 in Argonne, IL (United States) OCCI libvirt Service Provider Domain qemu / VMware vSphere most interoperable least interoperable Demo

10 Institut für Roboterforschung Abteilung Informationstechnik technische universität dortmund A few details.  Java-based implementation  Packaged with Maven  Ready to run in an OSGi style environment  About 5,000 lines of code (but could be less)  Separate modules for the different parts of OCCI  core, http, and infrastructure usable separately  Basically agnostic of the hypervisor (even libvirt)  To be released  By the end of Q2/11 today !  As open-source software  Under a business-friendly license 14.04.11 | 10 Workshop on High Performance Applications on Cloud and Grid Tools, April 14, 2011 in Argonne, IL (United States)

11 Institut für Roboterforschung Abteilung Informationstechnik technische universität dortmund Thank you for listening. A Technische Universität Dortmund Production  Director: Alexander Papaspyrou  Screenplay: The OCCI Working Group at Open Grid Forum  Cast  Sebastian Heckmann  Sebastian Laag  Production Designer:  Alexander Fölling  Christian Grimme  Continuity: Andy Edmonds, Intel  Key Grip: Thijs Metsch, Platform Computing  Special Effects: OCCI, libvirt, RESTlet, Spring, and Java 11 Workshop on High Performance Applications on Cloud and Grid Tools, April 14, 2011 in Argonne, IL (United States) 14.04.11 | Follow us on occi-, http://www.occi-, or on Twitter via @occiwgocci- wg@ogf.orghttp://www.occi-

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