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When Genetics is Not Simple

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Presentation on theme: "When Genetics is Not Simple"— Presentation transcript:

1 When Genetics is Not Simple
Other patterns of inheritance

2 It’s not so Simple Not all traits are controlled by single genes with simple dominant - recessive alleles: Multiple alleles Polygenic traits Incomplete dominance Codominance

3 Multiple Alleles More than two alleles exist for a particular trait (multiple flavors) Labeled using a single letter and superscripts Results in many possible phenotypes Ex: Human blood types IA, IB, or i

4 Polygenic Traits More than one gene controls a particular trait
Very complicated hereditary patterns Results in an vast array of possible phenotypes Ex: human skin, eye, and hair color

5 Incomplete dominance One allele is not completely dominant over the other Heterozygous individuals show a trait that is an intermediate or blend of the two homozygous trait Neither homozygous trait shows

6 Incomplete dominance Example: Four o’clock flowers RR = red flowers
WW = white flowers RW = Pink is a blend of red and white

7 Codominance Both alleles are dominant
Both homozygous traits show in heterozygous individuals There is no blending of traits Results in blotches of colors

8 Codominance Example: Feather color in chickens BB = black feathers
WW = white feathers BW = No gray! Both colors “Checkered Chicken”

9 Codominance Example: Feather color in chickens BB = black feathers
WW = white feathers BW = No gray! Both colors “Checkered Chicken”

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