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INTERNATIONAL DRIVE CRA FY 2008-09 Budget Worksession July 21, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERNATIONAL DRIVE CRA FY 2008-09 Budget Worksession July 21, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERNATIONAL DRIVE CRA FY 2008-09 Budget Worksession July 21, 2008

2 Background CRA Advisory Committee Completed Projects Proposed FY 2008-09 Budget Budget Overview PRESENTATION OUTLINE

3 Background CRA Advisory Committee Completed Projects Proposed FY 2008-09 Budget Budget Overview PRESENTATION OUTLINE

4 I-Drive CRA Created in 1998 Finding of Transportation-Related Blight BACKGROUND


6 Community Redevelopment Plan Adopted CRA Trust Fund Created CRA Advisory Committee Formed in 2002 BACKGROUND

7 Background CRA Advisory Committee Completed Projects Proposed FY 2008-09 Budget Budget Overview PRESENTATION OUTLINE

8 Recommends Priorities for Expenditure of Trust Fund Recommends Projects for Inclusion in Redevelopment Plan BCC has Final Approval of Expenditures CRA ADVISORY COMMITTEE

9 International Drive Master Transit and Improvement District International Drive Resort Area Chamber of Commerce ETC of Central Florida, Inc. Tangelo Park Civic Association Universal Boulevard POA 2 At-Large Representatives CRA ADVISORY COMMITTEE

10 Background CRA Advisory Committee Completed Projects Proposed FY 2008-09 Budget Budget Overview PRESENTATION OUTLINE

11 I-Drive Resort Area Directional Signage SCOOT System –Phase 1 –Phase 2 N. International Drive Sidewalk Improvements COMPLETED PROJECTS

12 Tangelo Park Traffic Calming Westwood Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements Pedestrian Assessment COMPLETED PROJECTS

13 Background CRA Advisory Committee Completed Projects Proposed FY 2008-09 Budget Budget Overview PRESENTATION OUTLINE

14 Summary: Capital Improvement Projects $13.6M Future Capital Outlay $3.0M Total: $16.6M PROPOSED FY 2008-09 BUDGET

15 Background CRA Advisory Committee Completed Projects Proposed FY 2008-09 Budget Budget Overview PRESENTATION OUTLINE

16 BCC/CRA Approved Capital Program on September 12, 2006BCC/CRA Approved Capital Program on September 12, 2006 –John Young Parkway –John Young Connector –International Drive 100% of Incremental Tax Revenue100% of Incremental Tax Revenue Cash Funding over 5-year periodCash Funding over 5-year period BUDGET OVERVIEW

17 John Young Parkway BUDGET OVERVIEW

18 John Young Parkway - $3.8M Widen From 4 to 6 LanesWiden From 4 to 6 Lanes Add Continuous Right Turn LanesAdd Continuous Right Turn Lanes SR 528 to Commodity CircleSR 528 to Commodity Circle Design-BuildDesign-Build

19 John Young Connector BUDGET OVERVIEW

20 John Young Connector - $4.9M BUDGET OVERVIEW New 4-Lane RoadwayNew 4-Lane Roadway International Drive to John Young ParkwayInternational Drive to John Young Parkway Enhanced Convention Center AccessEnhanced Convention Center Access Public/Private PartnershipPublic/Private Partnership ConstructionConstruction

21 International Drive BUDGET OVERVIEW

22 International Drive - $4.8M BUDGET OVERVIEW Widen From 4 to 6 LanesWiden From 4 to 6 Lanes Westwood Boulevard (S) to Westwood Boulevard (N)Westwood Boulevard (S) to Westwood Boulevard (N) Intersection Improvements at Central Florida ParkwayIntersection Improvements at Central Florida Parkway Design-BuildDesign-Build

23 Proposed FY 2008-09 Budget continues funding the approved Capital ProgramProposed FY 2008-09 Budget continues funding the approved Capital Program –John Young Parkway: $3.8M –John Young Connector: $4.9M –International Drive: $4.8M –Future Capital Outlay: $3.0M BUDGET OVERVIEW

24 INTERNATIONAL DRIVE CRA FY 2008-09 Budget Worksession July 21, 2008

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