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1 Dummerston Energy Committee 2 a Dummerston Energy Committee Accomplishments Covered Bridge LED lighting upgrade Before After Exterior Lighting.

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2 1 Dummerston Energy Committee

3 2 a Dummerston Energy Committee Accomplishments Covered Bridge LED lighting upgrade Before After Exterior Lighting

4 3 a Before Dummerston Energy Committee Accomplishments Covered Bridge LED lighting upgrade After Interior Lighting

5 4 Dummerston Energy Committee Covered Bridge Energy 2007: Old Lights were repaired with new bulbs plus a couple ballasts. Repair cost $715. Expected bulb life ~ 3 Years. With new bulbs, they consumed 8227KWH ($1372) of electricity that year. 2008 to June 2010: Old Lights’ Bulb Performance Declines June 2010: Old Lights Replaced with new LED New LED, Savings ~$1168/Yr and 6765 Kwh/Yr with a projected life >15 years a

6 5 Dummerston Energy Committee Accomplishments Replaced 30-year-old Tempwood stove with Quadrafire 4100 New Stove for the Town Office Integral blower evenly distributes heat around the office for a much improved work environment! TempwoodQuadrafire Efficiency rating 60%80% Emissions particulates 40-60 grams/hour1.1 grams/hour a

7 6 Dummerston Energy Committee Accomplishments Idling Quick Facts Idling gets ZERO miles per gallon 2 minutes of idling = the fuel to drive a mile 10 seconds of idling = the energy used to re- start your car Restarting your car will only cost on average $10/year in additional maintenance a Anti Idling Resolution and promotion signs

8 7 Dummerston Energy Committee Accomplishments Street lights selected for removal: 5 Cost Savings on Tariffs: $720 per year KWH eliminated annually: 400 Kwh CO 2 eliminated: 371 pounds a Unnecessary Street Light eliminations

9 8 Dummerston Energy Committee a Collecting ‘Baseline’ Data to meet the Town Plan Excerpt from Dummerston Town Plan “Dummerston will reduce total per-capita non- renewable energy consumption 40% by 2030 from a 2010 baseline.” To that end the Energy Committee has been collecting Energy data to establish the 2010 baseline. The slides that follow include some of that data which shows some interesting trends and comparisons.

10 9 Dummerston Energy Committee a 2010 Total Municipal energy use by building and fuel type The School is clearly the largest consumer of Electricity and heating oil Million BTU (MMBtu)

11 10 Dummerston Energy Committee a 2010 Total Municipal energy Cost by building and fuel type The School will now be a focus for future improvements Dollars

12 11 Dummerston Energy Committee a The 5 year trend of Commercial electricity use in Dummerston The total # of commercial customers is increasing slowly The Total electricity and average electricity used by commercial customers has Increased dramatically in 2010

13 12 Dummerston Energy Committee a The 5 year trend of Residential electricity use in Dummerston The total # of residential electrical customers is also increasing Yet the Total electricity and average electricity used by residents has Decreased Great Job, Dummerston!

14 13 Dummerston Energy Committee What’s Next? a Collecting ‘Baseline’ Data to meet the Town Plan The Energy Committee is planning a survey to be sent out to Dummerston Residents to collect more detailed data about their energy use, type of fuels used, and more! Please take the time to fill it out and send it back. The data becomes knowledge. That knowledge will help us chart the Dummerston energy future.

15 14 Dummerston Energy Committee What’s Next? a Upgrading Street lights to LED Total anticipated fixture upgrades: 22 Old fixtures: 100W Mercury Vapor (MV) Now banned by federal law 2200W x 12hrs/night= 9636 Kwh per year New Fixtures: 20-LED, 37W Cost of Tariff is similar to MV Tarriff 814W x 12hrs/night= 3565Kwh per year Annual energy savings: = 6070 KWH CO 2 eliminated: 5631 pounds annually

16 15 Dummerston Energy Committee a School Gym Lighting Upgrade Total upgraded fixtures: 20 Old fixtures: 400W Metal Halide = 8000W total New Fixtures: 4-lamp 54W fluorescent T-5 (216W each) = 4320 W Annual energy savings: 3.68 KW x 1760 Hours = 6477 KWH Cost Savings at $ 0.09 / KWH: 6477 x 0.09 = $583 / annually We expect the energy savings to be significantly more as the actual usage may be cut by a third to one-half of previous usage: The old lights took so long to turn on that it was impractical to turn them off during the day The new lights are controlled by motion sensors to automatically shut off when not needed

17 16 Dummerston Energy Committee Whats Next? a School Outdoor Lighting Upgrade Currently the 30 fixtures around the school are older less efficient technologies that are on ALL night, EVERY night. They consume an estimated 10 Megawatt-hours per year, that’s nearly 5% of the total school electricity! The energy Committee is developing a plan to replace them with LED lights controlled by motion sensors and/or timers. Anticipated Annual Savings: 6 MWH or 5500 Lbs of CO 2 $540/year

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