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16-1 I. The Ming Dynasty A. Began with the overthrow of the Mongols in 1368 B. Ran an effective government with officials who had taken the civil service.

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2 16-1

3 I. The Ming Dynasty A. Began with the overthrow of the Mongols in 1368 B. Ran an effective government with officials who had taken the civil service exam C. The Grand Canal was completed so grain could be shipped to North China D. The Imperial City was built in Beijing






9 Map of the Forbidden City

10 Meridian Gate

11 Watch Tower

12 Gate of Supreme Harmony

13 Hall of Supreme Harmony

14 Hall of Medium Harmony

15 Imperial Gardens

16 Gate of Divine Prowess


18 E. Zheng He made voyages around the world to trade and bring wealth to China F. Portuguese came to China and were kicked out for their barbaric behavior – 1. Jesuit missionaries brought clocks and eyeglasses that impressed the Chinese

19 G. The Ming dynasty declined due to corruption, high taxes and peasant unrest – 1. These were all signs that the Mandate of Heaven had been lost

20 II. The Qing Dynasty A. Began by invading Manchus from Manchuria B. The Qing dynasty forced all men to wear a queue hairstyle under penalty of death C. The Qing were gradually able to restore peace and prosperity

21 D. Manchus were culturally and ethnically different from the Chinese – 1. They had a different legal status – 2. They kept their own military units called banners – 3. They shared power with the Chinese

22 E. Kangxi was the greatest Qing ruler – 1. He allowed missionaries in China and converts to Christianity – 2. He calmed unrest and supported new learning

23 F. Qing government sold trading rights to foreigners G. Qing dynasty started to decline in the late 18th century with high taxes and peasant revolt

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