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Objective: We will be able to show a words meaning by looking for a definition in the context.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: We will be able to show a words meaning by looking for a definition in the context."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: We will be able to show a words meaning by looking for a definition in the context.

2 Preview: Rock out! KR9HM

3 Review A synonym for context is ______. Show me the context of your folder.

4 Big Idea: Sometimes a writer is generous when they write words you dont know, and they give you the definition IN the sentence!! HOW EASY! This saves you from looking up words in the dictionary!

5 What does it look like? When I went to Harrikomo, the new restaurant downtown, I tried the chefs special meal. A) A new restaurantB) The city bus C) A new clubD) A train

6 My steps: 1. Read: the sentence. 2. Look: Commas can be a big help!! Do you see a possible definition given? It can be to the right or the left of the word. 3. Cover the choices, come up with your own meaning. 4. Check the choices to see if one matches your meaning.

7 Let me show you one more time: I really hate the vegetable my grandma makes for Thanksgiving every year, kale. A) a fruitB) a type of stuffing C) a vegetableD) a turkey

8 Guided Practice He rode his tandem, the bike he got for Christmas, to the park. A) carB) parachute C) bikeD) skateboard

9 The teacher told the student to throw her papers into the dregs, the garbage can in the corner of the room. A) deskB) garbage can C) cubbyD) shelf

10 The dog is a breed from England, a Barbet, and new in the pet store. A) A special breed of dog B) A newspaper C) A special breed of birdD) A sports car

11 The computer turned off, went defunct, when I tried to print the paper. A) turn onB) turn blank C)jammedD) turn off

12 Taking the following preventive steps will help to protect you from the adverse, or harmful, effects of sun exposure. A) unfavorableB) helpful C) temporaryD) unusual

13 Begin now by taking advantage of this phenomenal, wonderful, and exciting offer! A) depressingB) cheap believable C) impressiveD) believable

14 Tell your 6 minute partner… Today we learned how to show a words meaning by looking for a ________ in the context.

15 Independent Practice: There are two of these on your half sheet. Find and circle the question number.

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