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1.How much pressure does the atmosphere put on each square inch of your body? Why dont we feel this pressure? 14.7 lbs. The pressure inside our bodies.

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Presentation on theme: "1.How much pressure does the atmosphere put on each square inch of your body? Why dont we feel this pressure? 14.7 lbs. The pressure inside our bodies."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.How much pressure does the atmosphere put on each square inch of your body? Why dont we feel this pressure? 14.7 lbs. The pressure inside our bodies is the same as outside 2.What is a hyperbaric chamber? A simulation of diving under water by using air pressure. Use to help divers with the bends 3.How deep does someone need to dive to equal the weight of the atmosphere? 32 feet in sea water, 33 feet in fresh water 4.What happened to the basketball in the video? Why? It compressed, pressure outside was greater than inside 5.Why didnt the water balloon get squished in the chamber? Liquids are not compressible 6.Do objects in the chamber implode or explode? Why? What is the difference? Implode (pressure outside greater than inside) Explode (pressure inside greater than outside)

2 7.Explain why the egg and one of the light bulbs did not break while in the chamber. The egg and bulb had a round shape and the egg contains liquid 8.What happened to the styrofoam head? Why? Why did it not return to the original condition? The head compressed and never returned to the original size because tiny air bubbles popped when compressed 1.What happened to Bens voice as the crew went deeper. Why? The increased pressure changed the shape of Bens throat 2.What happened to the temperature of the chamber while diving? Why? When gasses are compressed they absorb heat and get warmer 3.What did not happen after Ben shook up the soda bottle and opened it? The soda remained in the bottle because the pressure in the chamber was greater than the carbonation in the bottle

3 1. Name the location of the Worlds Worst Weather Mount Washington in New Hampshire 2.What service does the Mt. Washington Observatory provide? Weather forecasts and climate data 3.What is rime ice? A cloud containing frozen water droplets passes over an object 4.Why is rime ice unique to high altitudes? It needs to be very cold to freeze cloud droplets 5.What do meteorologists do inside the weather station Collect weather data 6.Why is the wind speed so fast at the top of Mount Washington? Air is squeezedbetween the mountain the stratosphere 7.What other factors contribute to the severe weather found at the top of mountain? Three Major storm tracks merge at that location + + + ++ +

4 8.According to Ben, in what way is the weather at the top of the mountain the worst in the world? The best in the world? On a clear day you can see the Atlantic Ocean. Terrible storms with high winds 9.How can it snow at high elevations in the summer? Altitude = decrease in temperature 10.Why would anyone build a weather station on top of the mountain? Why is the original station unique? Because of the unique weather. It was chained to the ground! + + +

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