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E-ILPs Challenges and opportunities for young peoples personal progression planning.

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Presentation on theme: "E-ILPs Challenges and opportunities for young peoples personal progression planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-ILPs Challenges and opportunities for young peoples personal progression planning.

2 Individual Learning plans (ILPs) are a progression tool ILPs are an essential component: Personalised Learning Personal Development Curriculum Increased choice and flexibility in learning 14-19 – Diplomas, KS4 Apprenticeships.. Intended to be introduced in year 9 to support (and not limit) young peoples choices It is intended to be reviewed annually, reflecting the learners development and aspirations

3 What should an ILP do? record young peoples plans, progress, experiences and achievements by age 14 and continuously after identify personal choices – including entitlement subjects, work-related options, enrichment activities and ideas for work experience establish broad learning and career goals for the 14-19 phase and support the continuous monitoring and review of progress towards them throughout the phase support smooth transitions by facilitating effective data and information sharing 14-19. learning-plans

4 Challenges Does the learner understand why they have an ILP? Is there a CE/IAG process in place in the curriculum to enable the learner to create and maintain an informed ILP? Is it owned by senior management, teaching and support staff and part of the personalised learning process – is there training in place?

5 More challenges. How does the ILP support transition? Can it be shared across partners? Does it go with the learner? Does the learner own it and can they add to it? Is there an agreed format across partners that is understood and accepted by all?

6 e-ILP benefits If web-enabled: Can be integrated as part of electronic delivery of CE/IAG resources Can be accessed and shared across student support network in schools and partners Can go with the learner Can be easily updated Can be accessed any where and anytime

7 e-ILP challenges Is it part of a wider program such as an e- portfolio or does it just stand alone? Costs – development; off the shelf vs. bespoke Integration and interoperability – with own systems/VLEs and with other institutions Access

8 Discussion points Examples of e-ILPs – three different approaches: Stand-alone: As part of progression planning e-portfolio: As part of an integrated online progression resource: Integrated into a website:


10 My iPlan Strengths Tailor-made e-ILP Linked to assessment and validation Enables target-setting and tracking Allows student to choose their circle of support Added functionality : dual log-ins Can produce reports Challenges Licensed product so linked to institution or purchasing authority – cost implications Not owned by the learner so will not have access in non-My iPlan institutions Will learner be able to take end products with them in a variety of formats?



13 Strengths Tried and tested resources based on ProgressFile materials Supported by CE/IAG process Interactive resources and quizzes within it Fully exportable content Challenges Cost per institution/area based on pupil numbers Remains with the institution/LA area Not owned by the student Some quizzes and activities look very wordy and detailed – could be off-putting

14 Home grown

15 Decision making ( Where you are now, what you want from your future) Self development ( Interactive self review of skills, qualities and strengths) Researching information/options ( Links to websites such as MyChoiceNotts, Progression Routes, Careers Software etc.) Planning for change ( Setting own goals and targets, making applications) The ILP is one part of an integrated web- based progression planning process

16 Achievement Zone Achievements and qualifications Work Experience Recording Skills Reviewing Zone Student Self Review Links to CEG tools Skills Assessment Individual learning plan Presenting Zone Application Curriculum Vitae Personal Statement

17 The ILP contributes to overall progression planning by:

18 Strengths Able to create specific content, including quizzes and activities Able to add local information and weblinks Able to design the CE/IAG process into it Able to tailor it to different audiences (lower literacy/SEN) as part of the development process Able to link and integrate into other web-based resources e.g. online application form Challenges Can be expensive – development costs and in terms of staff time for content and project management and roll-out Ongoing technical support Needs longer-term investment to develop and maintain Passportfolio

19 Off the peg e-portfolio…

20 A good idea but… Strengths Ready-made, off the shelf so less development work/project management Design can be tailored to a certain extent (cost involved) Can be integrated as part of a wider CE/IAG process Challenges Basic e-portfolios do not have ready-made content that supports CE/IAG, this work would still need to be done Licence costs per learner One-size fits all Functionality – is it fit for purpose and do all the components work? Hard to differentiate the ILP component

21 A unified service: Scottish careers/learning portal:

22 PlanIT e-portfolio

23 PlanIT Strengths Investment by the Scottish Executive downwards A unified, all-age facility with a coherent message Years of expertise and development Challenges Integration into the education system Continued funding and development The whole portfolio is an ILP but can it be shared? Is there a recognisable end product

24 Contacts: Gill Coker e-Learning Co-ordinator Connexions Nottinghamshire 0115 9838960 Lucy Peck Passportfolio Co-ordinator Connexions Nottinghamshire 0115 9838969 Useful Links: learning-plans Views and opinions in this presentation represent my own and not those of Connexions Nottinghamshire

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