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3 How to set up successful graphs

4 How to set up your graph!

5 How to set up your graph! Y Axis (This is for your dependent variable)

6 How to set up your graph! X Axis
(This is for your independent variable)

7 TAILS Teachers’s Favorite Singer T - Title

8 TAILS T - Title A - Axis Teachers’s Favorite Singer
Y Axis = Dependent Variable X Axis = Independent Variable

9 TAILS T - Title A – Axis S – Scale
Teachers’s Favorite Singer Decide on an appropriate scale for each axis. Choose a scale that lets you make the graph as large as possible for your paper and data T - Title A – Axis S – Scale

10 How to determine scale Favorite Singer Number of Teachers Toby Keith 22 Madonna 15 Elvis 11 Sting 5 Sinatra 2 Scale is determined by your highest & lowest number. In this case your scale would be from 2 – 22.

11 TAILS T – Title A – Axis I – Interval S – Scale
Teachers’s Favorite Singer The amount of space between one number and the next or one type of data and the next on the graph. The interval is just as important as the scale Choose an interval that lets you make the graph as large as possible for your paper and data T – Title A – Axis I – Interval S – Scale

12 How to determine Intervals
Favorite Singer Number of Teachers Toby Keith 22 Madonna 15 Elvis 11 Sting 5 Sinatra 2 The interval is decided by your scale. In this case your scale would be from 2 – 22 and you want the scale to fit the graph. The best interval would be to go by 5’s.

13 TAILS T – Title A – Axis I – Interval S – Scale
Teachers’s Favorite Singer T – Title A – Axis I – Interval S – Scale 25 20 15 10 5

14 TAILS T – Title A – Axis I – Interval L – Labels S – Scale
Teachers’s Favorite Singer T – Title A – Axis I – Interval L – Labels S – Scale 25 20 15 Number of Teachers 10 5 LABEL your bars or data points Toby Keith Madonna Elvis Sting Sinatra Singers Label your Y Axis. What do those numbers mean? Give the bars a general label. What do those words mean?

15 When to use… Bar graphs Line Graphs
Used to show data that are not continuous. Allows us to compare data like amounts or frequency or categories Allow us to make generalizations about the data Help us see differences in data Line Graphs For continuous data useful for showing trends over time

16 Practice Interpreting Data: It is important that you be able to interpret data that is represented in graph form.

17 Question #1 Identify the graph that matches each of the following stories: I had just left home when I realized I had forgotten my books so I went back to pick them up.

18 Question #2 Identify the graph that matches each of the following stories: I started out running and slowed down as I got tired

19 Question #3 Identify the graph that matches each of the following stories: Things went fine until I had a flat tire.

20 Question #4 Identify the graph that matches each of the following stories: I started out calmly, but sped up when I realized I was going to be late.

21 Question #4a Identify the graph that matches each of the following stories: The rock fell from the top of the cliff

22 Question #4b Identify the graph that matches each of the following stories: I went to the store before school

23 Question #4c Identify the graph that matches each of the following stories: School was cancelled on the way to school, but was later opened

24 Question #5 The graph at the right represents the typical day of a teenager. Answer these questions: What percent of the day is spent watching TV? 100 – 25 – 4 – 8 – 33 – 17 = ? 13%

25 Question #6 The graph at the right represents the typical day of a teenager. Answer these questions: How many hours are spent sleeping? 24 hours x 33% = ? 8 hours

26 Question #7 The graph at the right represents the typical day of a teenager. Answer these questions: What activity takes up the least amount of time? Studying

27 Question #8 Going to School
The graph at the right represents the typical day of a teenager. Answer these questions: What activity takes up a quarter of the day? ¼ = 25% Going to School

28 Question #9 Talking on Phone & Sleeping
The graph at the right represents the typical day of a teenager. Answer these questions: What two activities take up 50% of the day? 33% + 17% = 50% Talking on Phone & Sleeping

29 Question #9a The graph at the right represents the typical day of a teenager. Answer these questions: Which activity took about 4 hours? 17% x 24 hours = ~4 hours

30 Question #10 Answer these questions about the graph on the right:
How many total miles did the car travel? AB = 60 BC = 0 CD = 30 DE = 190 Total = 280

31 Question #11 Answer these questions about the graph on the right: What was the average speed of the car for the trip? Total distance = 280 miles Total time = 25 hours Average speed = 280 miles / 25 hours 11.2 miles/hour

32 Question #12 DE = quickest change
Answer these questions about the graph on the right: Which line represents the fastest speed?  DE = quickest change

33 Question #13 DV = Quantity Demanded Y-axis
Answer these questions about the graph at the right: What is the dependent variable on this graph? DV = Quantity Demanded Y-axis

34 Question #14 No. $5 has lowest demand and $2 has highest.
Answer these questions about the graph at the right: Does the price per bushel always increase with demand? No. $5 has lowest demand and $2 has highest.

35 Question #15 10 Bushels per week
Answer these questions about the graph at the right: What is the demand when the price is 5$ per bushel? 10 Bushels per week


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