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What You Need to Know About Pacifiers and Feeding Cues.

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Presentation on theme: "What You Need to Know About Pacifiers and Feeding Cues."— Presentation transcript:

1 What You Need to Know About Pacifiers and Feeding Cues

2 Why should families avoid pacifier use, especially in the first 10-14 days? Babies could choke on the pacifier Babies will get nipple confused We’re trying to save money and give out less pacifiers We’re trying to save money and give out less pacifiers Babies are less likely to be put to the breast Babies are less likely to be put to the breast

3 Um, try again! Go back and try again. Click here. here

4 Correct! You may move forward. Click here. here Babies who are given pacifiers are more likely to be delayed being put to the breast. It’s also harder for a mom to pick up on hunger cues. When a mother requests a pacifier, you should be educating them on this so that they are making an informed decision about whether or not to introduce a pacifier to their baby.

5 Feeding Cues: Goal is to put baby to breast when early hunger cues are seen You may move forward. Click here. here Early hunger cues Licking the top of the mouth Licking lips Sucking on lip, tongue, fingers or fists Active hunger cues Rooting (moving the head in search of the breast) Fidgeting Fussing Late hunger cues Crying Feeding Cues Video

6 You’re some baby’s superhero!

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