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SOLID GEOMETRY. (d) Projections of Right & Regular Solids like; (Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinder and Cone) SOLID GEOMETRY Following topics will be covered.

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Presentation on theme: "SOLID GEOMETRY. (d) Projections of Right & Regular Solids like; (Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinder and Cone) SOLID GEOMETRY Following topics will be covered."— Presentation transcript:


2 (d) Projections of Right & Regular Solids like; (Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinder and Cone) SOLID GEOMETRY Following topics will be covered in Solid Geometry ; (a) Projections of Points in space (b) Projections of Lines (Without H.T. & V.T.) (c) Projections of Planes


4 (1)In quadrant I (Above H.P & In Front of V.P.) (2) In quadrant II (Above H.P & Behind V.P.) (3) In quadrant III (Below H.P & Behind V.P.) (4) In quadrant IV (Below H.P & In Front of V.P.) Orientation of Point in Space

5 (5) In Plane (Above H.P. & In V.P.) (6) In Plane (Below H.P. & In V.P.) (7) In Plane ( In H.P. & In front of V.P.) (8) In Plane ( In H.P. & Behind V.P.) (9) In Plane ( In H.P. & V.P.) Orientation of Point in Space

6 V.P. H.P...... X Y a1’a1’ A1A1 a1a1 a1’a1’ a1a1 Y X X Y POSITION: 1 (I Qua.) POINT A 1 Above H.P. In Front Of V.P. A 1 - Point a 1 ’- F.V. a 1 - T.V. CONCLUSIONS: In 3D In 2D Point, Above H.P. Point, In- Front Of V.P. T.V. Below XY F.V. Above XY (3D) (2D)

7 H.P. V.P...... POINT A 2 Above H.P. Behind V.P. (3D) (2D) X Y X Y A2A2 a2a2 a2’a2’ a2a2 a2’a2’ A 2 - Point X a 2 ’- F.V. Ya 2 - T.V. CONCLUSIONS: In 3D Point, Above H.P. Point, Behind V.P. T.V. Above XY F.V. Above XY In 2D POSITION:2 (II Qua.)

8 a3a3 A3A3 POINT A 3 Below H.P. Behind V.P. a3’a3’ X Y.. a3a3 a3’a3’ X Y X Y (2D) (3D) A 3 - Point a 3 ’- F.V. a 3 - T.V. CONCLUSIONS: In 3D Point, Below H.P. Point Behind V.P. T.V. Above XY F.V. Below XY In 2D... POSITION: 3 (III Qua.)

9 A4A4 a4a4. a4’a4’. a4’a4’ X Y X Y XY. (2D) (3D) POINT A 4 Below H.P. In Front of V.P. A 4 - Point a 4 ’- F.V. a 4 - T.V. CONCLUSIONS: In 3D Point, Below H.P. Point, In Front Of V.P. T.V. Below XY F.V. Below XY In 2D.. a4a4 POSITION: 4 (IV Qua.)

10 H.P. V.P..... POINT A 5 Above H.P. In V.P. In 3D In 2D Point, Above H.P. Point, In V.P. T.V. On XY F.V. Above XY Y X a 5 ’ A 5 a 5 a 5 ’ a 5 X Y A 5 X Y (3D) (2D) A 5 - Point a 5 ’- F.V. a 5 - T.V. CONCLUSIONS: POSITION: 5

11 . POINT A 6 Below H.P. In V.P. X Y X Y A6A6 a6a6 a6’a6’ a6’a6’. XY (2D) a6a6. A6A6 (3D). A 6 - Point a 6 ’- F.V. a 6 - T.V. CONCLUSIONS: In 3D Point, Below H.P. Point In V.P. T.V. On XY F.V. Below XY In 2D POSITION: 6

12 A7A7.. POINT A 7 In Front of V.P. In H.P. A7A7 a7a7 a7’a7’ X Y Y X (3D) (2D) Y X A 7 Point.. a 7 ’- F.V. a7’a7’ a7a7 T.V. Below XY Point, In- Front Of V.P. CONCLUSIONS: In 3D In 2D Point In H.P. F.V. On XY a 7 - T.V. POSITION: 7

13 A8A8.. POINT A 8 In H.P. Behind V.P. Y X Y X A8A8 a8a8 a8’a8’ X Y (3D) (2D) a8a8.. a8’a8’ A 8 - Point a 8 ’- F.V. a 8 - T.V. F.V. On XY Point, In H.P. CONCLUSIONS: In 3D Point, Behind V.P. T.V. Above XY In 2D POSITION: 8

14 POINT A 9 In V.P. In H.P V.P. H.P. (3D) (2D) X Y Y X. A9A9 A 9 - Point X a9’a9’ a 9 ’- F.V.. a9’a9’ a9a9 a9a9 A9A9 CONCLUSIONS: In 3D In 2D Point, In H.P. F.V. On XY T.V. On XY Point, In V.P. a 9 - T.V. POSITION: 9


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