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Presented By: Ryan Anderson - OSA Student Organization Coordinator Vanessa Rodriguez.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By: Ryan Anderson - OSA Student Organization Coordinator Vanessa Rodriguez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By: Ryan Anderson - OSA Student Organization Coordinator ( Vanessa Rodriguez – ASG Chief of Staff ( Eddie Watson – Senator of Student Organization Funding (

2  Available only for registered Student Organizations  Used to boost students Educational Experience through: Social, cultural, intellectual, recreational, governance, leadership, group development, campus and community service, and informational programs and activities.

3  Operating Day-to-day expenses of the organization  Programming Events Fundraising  Travel Travel expense assistance

4  Only can be used for day-to-day expenses  Funds may not exceed $250  Intended for start-up expenses Organization banners, office supplies, etc…  May not use funds for: Food Expenses (officer meetings) Salaries, stipends, or wages Computer purchases

5  Funds are dedicated to on-campus events which can be offered to the entire student body of CSU-Pueblo.  Max of $3000 per fiscal year awarded  Food Allotment $150 max for food, 40 or fewer people $800 max for food, 40 or more people No more than $10 per person per event  Gifts for guest speakers limited to $25 per person

6  Cannot be used for: Religious or political services/ceremonies Events for your members only Programs off-campus Other General Funding Policy regulations/stipulations  The Student Organization itself is responsible for 10% of the total cost.

7  All fundraising events (including non-SOF grant funded) must be approved by the Director of Student Activities.  Startup costs must be repaid within 2 (two) weeks after fundraiser conduction  The negotiated repayment will be either 50% or 100% of the money allotted.  Self-generated funds will be kept in that Student Organization’s Account, and must be deposited the day after the money was earned (funds will remain for future fiscal years).

8  Travel includes conferences, training sessions, competitions, & other non-campus events  No more than 50% of the total cost will be awarded.  The maximum a Student Organization can receive per year is $2,000.  A maximum of $500 can be awarded to the Student Organization Advisor.  Can cover the cost of: Registration fee - $200 max per student. Lodging - $70 max per student per night. Food - $10 max per student per day. Travel - $500 max for all in-state travel.

9  SOF Grant Applications can be found on the CSU-Pueblo Website.CSU-Pueblo Website Under Quicklinks, click Student Organizations. Click on Organization GrantsOrganization Grants The packet is located in the middle on the page labeled SOF Grant Application Packet.SOF Grant Application Packet  The proposal and the itemized budget must be turned in 3 (three) weeks prior to the conduction of your event & according to the Grant Review timeline within your SOF grant packet

10  make sure to attach to proposal (where appropriate) Expenses less than $250, one quotes obtained from vendors and suppliers Expenses over $250 require two quotes All office supplies require quotes from OfficeMax All food purchased from ChartWells requires quote  If Lecturer/Guestspeaker attend your event, you need to attach: A letter about the speech from them or their agent Completed & Signed I-9 form Confirmation of availability Proposed honorarium or sample/unsigned contract

11  May not commit Organization/University to an expense  All business transactions in regard to SOF grant occur through OSA Do not sign any contracts, bring them to OSA’s attention SOF is not obligated to fund event prior to approval  No money released until all paperwork is finalized  Grants not used for reimburse expenses prior to funding approval  All publicity for programs sponsored by SOF must have SOF logo

12  Unallowable Expenses Activities not included in original proposal Furniture Promoting single political candidate/issue Exclusive activities Alcohol Donations, contributions, scholarships, grants, financial aid, legal services, religious/political proselytizing or sponsorship of public elections Activities linked to academic courses or for which academic credit is awarded Personal use not relating to original proposal

13  Reasonable and practical requests  If items seems questionable, explain and provide information  Reserve location Auxiliary services Ask for cost

14  Requests should be reasonable  Reserve location on campus (for event or fundraiser) Auxiliary services Ask for cost

15  Attach letter addressed to SOF Committee explaining: Description of organization Description of event and how it will enhance campus Description of event’s logistical aspects:  Operating  Programming  Fundraising  Travel

16  Justification for each item requested  Methods of promotion and advertising  Formalized letter from advisor support  Methods of evaluating success of event. Attach required documentation  Submit SOF proposal to OSA three (3) weeks prior  Proposal will be reviewed at next SOF Grant Review  Have representation to present Organization at Review with five to ten minute presentation

17  After review, SOF Committee deliberates  Organization must contact us within two business days of Review to be notified of awarded amount  Grant monies are not transferred into your account. They are processed through central grant account managed by OSA  Submission of proposal does not guarantee award.

18  Consists of seven (7) students making all grant funding decisions. Associated Students’ Government’s SOF Senator Four ASG appointments  Two from ASG President  Two from SOF Senator Two students-at-large appointed by Director of Student Activities Director of Student Activities (non-voting Advisor)

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