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ALWAYS LOG-OFF By: Abigail Porter & Levi Combee SIGN-OUT LOG-OFF.

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Presentation on theme: "ALWAYS LOG-OFF By: Abigail Porter & Levi Combee SIGN-OUT LOG-OFF."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALWAYS LOG-OFF By: Abigail Porter & Levi Combee SIGN-OUT LOG-OFF

2 Little Mary left her facebook signed in.

3 She left the house to go to her friends house.

4 Thing 1 and Thing 2 went to Mary’s house and saw Mary’s facebook was on and went inside.


6 They wrote a crazy status and then left.

7 Her mom looked on facebook and saw the status.

8 Mary ask mom what’s wrong. You know what’s wrong. No, I don’t…. then why did you post THIS?! I didn’t but I did forget to sign off my account this morning.


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