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Synergy among the 3 consortia. The Goal & Strategy  Improving process of work (between GHI’s and national HS) and thus contribution/outcome to national.

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Presentation on theme: "Synergy among the 3 consortia. The Goal & Strategy  Improving process of work (between GHI’s and national HS) and thus contribution/outcome to national."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synergy among the 3 consortia

2 The Goal & Strategy  Improving process of work (between GHI’s and national HS) and thus contribution/outcome to national HSS(D)  Countries HSD (countries, not programmes/GHI, as units of development and not only as a unit of analysis.

3 4 aspects  Key questions – to ensure relevant data and proper methodologies  Countries’ choices – same set to increase power of information generated  Countries’ partners – same groups to ensure ownership and reduce confusions  Continuity and opportunity – a learning fora for various stakeholders, especially countries with GHI’s.

4 Right questions  The most important objective is to learn about the “interactive process” and the mechanism and methods towards national system strengthening and integration and not to assess where the gaps are? We seemed to know that there are gaps (as well as spill over) and how to fill those gaps vary from one country to another? The focus should be about “how” and not “how much”.

5 Right methods  Quantitative data about system development/strengthening (WHO 6 components) and not just service coverage (of specific diseases) => existing data vs primary data collection  Qualitative aspects to understand the “interaction”, positive or negative, with regards to “system strengthening”. => whom to be interviewed, time horizon (now vs evolution) new methods? (S&L)  “practitioners” and “beneficiary” – policy analysts, policy makers, health personnel, NGO’s (HS vs Disease specific)/civil societies, population at large/patient groups)

6 Health system strength (Stewardship, HRD, HIS, civil Logistics, etc)society empowerment Programme coverage civil society (GHI & Non GHI) participation Health equitypeople’s satisfaction Good and bad practices re HS strengthening and civil society empowerment/participation Countries’ groups/institutions to actively participate in identifying the right questions, +/- data collection, interpretation as well as formulating recommendations and actions (KT and countries’ ownership/leadership) Countries choices and the 3 consortia

7 Academic consortia  Develop questions and tools for both system assessment and civil society aspect  Work with countries’ partners to create ownership and active participation  Analysing data and presenting to countries’ partners and implementor consortia  Prepare reports for the G8

8 Civil society consortia  Identify key questions and develop tools for data collection re civil society aspect ( in addition to those developed by academic consortia)  Work with countries’ partners to create ownership and participation  Analysing data and presenting to countries’partners and implemetor consortia  Prepare report to the G8

9 Implementor consortia  Key members organizing countries’ partners in collaboration with the other 2 consortia  Communicate regularly among those countries’ partners in the selected countries  Key members participate in the meeting of the other 2 consortia  Reviewing reports and recommendations of the other 2 consortia to be presented to G8

10 Scientific committee  Review proposals of academic consortia and civil society consortia to ensure relevant research questions, methodologies and interaction with countries’ partners.  Periodically monitoring the work of the 2 consortia (a member of implementor consortia serves in the committee)  Review the data analysis and recommendations before presenting to the implementor consortia

11 Which Countries and GHI’s?  Possible lists of countries Those already had studies on how much GHI interact/contribute to system strengthening Those already had studies on how much GHI interact/contribute to system strengthening Lists according to the 2 consortia but better synchronized (overlapping as much as possible) Lists according to the 2 consortia but better synchronized (overlapping as much as possible) Should not depend too much on “existing/available” known working members Should not depend too much on “existing/available” known working members  GHI’s to be studied – to be determined jointly with countries’ partners so that the findings would be relevant to countries’ needs and increase chances of using recommendations

12 Not only research but learning Not only learning but also actions guided by knowledge actions guided by knowledge Not only K-guided actions but continuous learning thru actions continuous learning thru actions

13 Ensuring opportunity to learn and continuous learning  In country learn and share (especially those selected as countries for studies) => countries’ partners playing critical roles in getting positive/maximal synergies from the other 2 consortia  Open fora for interactive learning and sharing of various partners => available reviews, findings, ideas, experiences could be shared and learnt thru web-based tools.

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