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1 Auditing the Financial Crisis Kees Vendrik, vice president NCA.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Auditing the Financial Crisis Kees Vendrik, vice president NCA."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Auditing the Financial Crisis Kees Vendrik, vice president NCA

2 1 Scope and Stage: the Focus of SAIs EU as an institution and EU measures serve as context ànd object of activities Wide range of SAI activities; not only audits but also enhanced monitoring and websites (creating insight/overview) (National) financial stability and fiscal sustainability are key

3 1 Scope & Stage: Different Aspects EU - Enhanced fiscal discipline - Banking Union - ESM & EFSF -Development monetary policy ECB Institutional aspects - Impact fiscal discipline c.a. on national budgetary cycle - Accountability & control EMU-data - Supervision financial sector - Accountability arrangements ESM, EFSF Financial & budgetary aspects - (Insight in) spending cuts - (Insight in) risks to public finance - Interventions in financial sector - Dutch exposure to ECB, ESM, EFSF operations

4 2 Insight in spending cuts: measures taken > hier komt de tekst

5 2 Insight in spending cuts: budget and effects

6 3 What risks do public finances face?(1) > hier komt de tekst

7 2 What risks do public finances face?(2) > hier komt de tekst

8 2 Credit crisis: what measures have been taken? > hier komt de tekst

9 And now our more specific EU activities:

10 2 Role of SAI’s?  Providing information for good decision making  Role upfront, to secure accountability arrangements  Visualisation!

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