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MY FRAGMENTED SELF 2013 STARTALK/NHLRC Teacher Workshop Martha Corona Cecilia Milán Sybil Alexandrov.

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Presentation on theme: "MY FRAGMENTED SELF 2013 STARTALK/NHLRC Teacher Workshop Martha Corona Cecilia Milán Sybil Alexandrov."— Presentation transcript:

1 MY FRAGMENTED SELF 2013 STARTALK/NHLRC Teacher Workshop Martha Corona Cecilia Milán Sybil Alexandrov

2  ACTFL: INTERMEDIATE (mid to high)  Second-generation HLL (predominantly of Mexican heritage)  The activities address linguistic and cultural gaps with the aim of helping the students advance to a higher level of proficiency.

3  Cultural: Increase understanding of the students’ place in both cultures.  Linguistic: -Use of Similes -Increase Awareness of Register

4  Based on excerpts from Caramelo, by Sandra Cisneros.  The characters take annual trips to visit family in Mexico and ponder their place within two cultures.

5  Listening  Reading  Speaking  Writing

6  Vocabulary. What words do you associate with a trip to visit your family in your heritage country?

7  Vocabulary follow-up. What do you consider a typical Christmas in Mexico? Write 5 sentences using the vocabulary presented in class. Share your answers with a classmate.

8 Listen to the following audio-clip and describe: Rafa’s Clothing Hairstyle Spanish language Discuss: What is your idea of “correct Spanish”?

9  Read: Caramelo (excerpts) by Sandra Cisneros  Complete the vocabulary rubric provided.

10  Different types of comparisons ¡La ciudad de México! La capital. El D.F. La capirucha. ¡El centro del universo! El valle como un tazón de caldo de res caliente antes de probarlo.  Write five similes about food, family and trips.  Share your examples with your group.

11 (…) es como si hubieran secuestrado a nuestro hermano Rafa y nos lo hubieran cambiado por otro.  Grammatical explanation (como si + impf. subj)  Structured practice (matching and cloze activities)

12  Watch Youtube video “Programa Paisano 2013”Programa Paisano 2013  Answer the following questions 1. What do you need to do to prepare for the trip? 2. How will this affect your plans?

13  Complete Mexican Customs Declaration Form

14  Real-life task Role-playing: At the border crossing. Situation with a complication: negotiating meeting with a Customs’ Officer.

15  What physical traits do you associate with a Mexican person?  Re-read the following text and discuss it with a classmate. -Pos no pareces mexicana. Por un lado quisiera darles una patada en el culo. Por el otro me da lástima ver lo ignorantes y estúpidos que son. Pero si nunca has sido más allá de Nuevo Laredo, ¿cómo diablos van a saber qué pinta se supone que tienen los mexicanos, ¿verdad?

16 Official Version

17  Follow-up What aspects of the official version surprised you and why?

18 Differentiated activities (select two of the following)  Write an email to your cousin telling him you are coming to visit.  Write a poem using similes.  Write a corrido about your last trip to Mexico. (model)model  Read the following article and summarizearticle


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