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Life Impact The University of Adelaide Friday, 20 August 2010 Research Branch V ALUING Y OUR R ESEARCH : C OSTING & P RICING G RANT A PPLICATIONS.

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Presentation on theme: "Life Impact The University of Adelaide Friday, 20 August 2010 Research Branch V ALUING Y OUR R ESEARCH : C OSTING & P RICING G RANT A PPLICATIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Impact The University of Adelaide Friday, 20 August 2010 Research Branch V ALUING Y OUR R ESEARCH : C OSTING & P RICING G RANT A PPLICATIONS

2 Valuing Your Research: Costing & Pricing Grant Applications Life Impact The University of Adelaide Slide 1 Research Grants – costing or pricing? Competitive grant application ‒ Researcher initiated ‒ IP stays at University of Adelaide ‒ Competitive (success rates ARC Discovery = 20% NHMRC Project = 25%) ‒ Australian Competitive Grants (ACG) and others ‒ Won’t cover the full-cost of your research (usually only cover the direct costs) Sponsors ‒ Have rules and priorities for funding - do your research ‒ May not fund everything you request in your application

3 Valuing Your Research: Costing & Pricing Grant Applications Life Impact The University of Adelaide Slide 2 Budget elements Sponsor will cover some or all of these costs Sponsor may cover some or all of these costs Not funded Budget Justification Direct Costs Indirect Costs (AKA overheads) In-kind contributions

4 Valuing Your Research: Costing & Pricing Grant Applications Life Impact The University of Adelaide Slide 3 Constructing your budget Direct Costs Use Sponsor rates and/or University salary scales Budget for known increases (EB, increments etc) Include appointment expenses (if allowed) Salaries (plus on-costs) Get quotes Include installation/maintenance costs (if allowed) Equipment Itemise costs: airfares, accommodation, other travel, other expenses Per diem calculator Travel Lab consumables Stationery / copying Specify cost per unit and number of items Consumables Stipend, thesis allowance, relocation allowance, fieldwork, conference travel Student Scholarships Teaching relief Data collection/analysis Production/dissemination of reports and findings Other Sponsor will cover some or all of these costs

5 Valuing Your Research: Costing & Pricing Grant Applications Life Impact The University of Adelaide Slide 4 Constructing your budget Sponsor may cover some or all of these costs Indirect Costs Library IT Research Management, HR, Finance University facilities & services Lab and office space Major items of research equipment or specialist infrastructure Space & infrastructur e

6 Valuing Your Research: Costing & Pricing Grant Applications Life Impact The University of Adelaide Slide 5 ‒ Determine and cost what is essential to the project and what would add value ‒ Check the format ‒ Check your arithmetic ‒ Demonstrate to someone in your field that you know how much things cost ‒ Budget for contingencies ‒ Have a backup plan if not fully funded ‒ GST (should be included unless the grant body indicates their ATO approved position stating otherwise). Can’t include for ARC/NHMRC Indirect Costs Direct Costs Budget tips

7 Valuing Your Research: Costing & Pricing Grant Applications Life Impact The University of Adelaide Slide 6 ‒ Justify ALL items in terms of cost & need ‒ Link the budget to your research program ‒ Define the essential & the value add ‒ Be specific with your costings ‒ Give details of other project support Indirect Costs Direct Costs Budget tips Budget Justification

8 Valuing Your Research: Costing & Pricing Grant Applications Life Impact The University of Adelaide Slide 7 Pitfalls to avoid ‒ Under-budgeting (may make the project unachievable) ‒ Over-budgeting (may annoy the sponsor and/or reviewer) ‒ Miscalculation of salary or salary on-costs ‒ Omitting invisible costs (appointment expenses etc) ‒ Unclear or non-existent budget justification ‒ Lack of provision of space/resources for temporary staff associated with the project

9 Valuing Your Research: Costing & Pricing Grant Applications Life Impact The University of Adelaide Slide 8 Rules and Tools Research Grants, Contracts and Consultancies Policy Grant Application Coversheet University Rules Read the Funding Rules/Guidelines/Policy and Instructions to Applicants documents. Make sure your budget complies with the Sponsor’s requirements. Sponsor Rules University salary scales Academic: Professional: University salary on-cost calculator Salary spreadsheet for ARC budgets Budgeting Tools Per diems (ATO Travel & Meal Allowances – TD 2010/19) Airfares – Use online airline information or Webjet Currency converter - Calculator - Check your arithmetic calculator/ calculator/ Budgeting Tools

10 Valuing Your Research: Costing & Pricing Grant Applications Life Impact The University of Adelaide Slide 9 For further assistance with your Grant Application Budget? Research Branch Website For resources and procedures on applying for grants Research Branch Staff Contact a Research Grants Officer to help you with your budget Faculty/School Staff Check with your School Manager to find out about research support and services available within your School and Faculty (eg. Peer review, mentors, research development, Research Secretariat, Associate Dean (Research))

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