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You are supposed to shake hands. Section A Tell what you are supposed to do.

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2 You are supposed to shake hands. Section A

3 Tell what you are supposed to do.

4 Language points be supposed to do … … be not supposed to do … Everyone is supposed to know the law. We re not supposed to play basketball in the classroom.

5 Brazil Korea Japan the United States Mexico

6 Different countries have different culture.

7 What do people do when they meet for the first time? shake hands kiss bow

8 Different countries have different culture.

9 What are people in different countries supposed to do when they meet for the first time? T: What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the first time? S: … T: What are people in Japan supposed to do when they meet for the first time? S …

10 Match the countries with the customs. CountriesCustoms 1. Brazil 2. the United States 3. Japan 4. Mexico 5. Korea a. bow b. Shake hands c. kiss c b a b a

11 shaking hands You should shake hands with others with a smile. At the same time you shouldnt wear hats or gloves when you do this. Usually, the time of shaking hands shouldnt last no more than 3 seconds. It is polite to wait for the ladies, the leaders or the old to show their hands first, then you can shake with them.

12 bow When you bow to others, you should stand at attention and take off your hat to show your respect. kiss: If you meet a friend or your relative, you can greet him or her with a hug or a kiss on the cheeks. If you are a couple, you can hug and kiss, but if you are parents and children, you just kiss on the face or forehead. If you are brothers or sisters, you just kiss on the cheeks.

13 Talk about what people in different countries do when they meet for the first time. What are people in Korea supposed to do when they meet for the first time? Theyre supposed to bow. A: B:

14 Read the following opinions of a Colombia and a Swiss student and fill in the chart. being on time Colombia Switzerland Pretty relaxed about time. Very important to be on time. visiting a friends house Usually plan to do something interesting or go somewhere together. Often just drop by friends house. Never visit a friends house without calling first. making plans with friends Dont usually have to make plans to meet friends.

15 Role play the conversation between Teresa and Marc. What kinds of rules do they have in Colombia? Well, they have pretty relaxed rules. Like what? Well, its OK if youre not on time. A: B: A: B:

16 In China, what is supposed to do in these following situations? 1. greeting teachers say, Good morning. 2. doing homework 3. phoning someone 4. visiting someones place call first, and knock at the door at home or in school after class say, Hello, Im….

17 5. making plans with friends In China, what is supposed to do in these following situations? 6. being on time 7. giving gifts discuss the plan, call to make changes. always on time or litter early. festival gifts being necessary.

18 summary be supposed to do supposed to do sth. be not supposed to not supposed to sth. shake handsshake hands kisskiss bowbow arrive atarrive at make some mistakesmake some mistakes make plans to do sth.make plans to do sth.

19 Home work Talk about the different attitudes in China and Colombia.Talk about the different attitudes in China and Colombia. Make some sentences with the expressions above.Make some sentences with the expressions above.


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