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Listeria Controls in Finished Product (Higher Risk) Areas

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1 Listeria Controls in Finished Product (Higher Risk) Areas
Preventing Cross Contamination Use this slide to introduce yourself, the training program, and why training is important. You may want to remind the employees in this training program about the general program on Listeria Controls for all employees that they’ve already attended. You could review some of the key points on what Listeria is and why it’s important and why good personal hygiene and food handling practices are important. Refer back to first training slide set if necessary to review important points. Before starting this program you should decide whether or not you want to conduct any demonstrations or any group activities. If you want to conduct the activity that uses Glo-Germ or some other aid to demonstrate how cross contamination can occur and how bacteria can be easily transferred from one place to another you will need to set it up just before the training. You also need to think about how you want to demonstrate the “How To” sections of this training program such as how to clean work areas, how to clean and sanitize equipment before moving from raw to finished product areas etc. Depending on the number of people involved, it may be possible to conduct the entire training program in the work area or you may want to go through the slide set in one location and then go into the work area to conduct any demonstrations that are needed.

2 What is Cross Contamination?
“Cross Contamination” occurs when bacteria, like Listeria are moved from one object or place to another. It is your job to prevent cross contamination if you work in areas where “ready-to-eat” finished products are handled! Use this slide to be sure that employees understand what cross contamination is and how it occurs. Explain that since bacteria are so small they don’t move from place to place on their own. They need to be carried from one place to another by people, equipment, water or on in the air. Cross-contamination is the transfer of harmful microorganisms from one item to another. The harmful organisms can be found on food, utensils, human hands, or processing equipment and transferred to any other item. Contamination of one food with harmful bacteria from another food or dirty equipment is a significant cause of foodborne illness. Preventing cross contamination involves all workers’ awareness of its causes and care in the use of equipment.

3 What are “Ready-to-Eat” Foods?
Foods that may NOT be cooked before they are eaten. Normally, when we cook foods before we eat them any harmful bacteria (germs) that might be present are killed. Emphasize that cross contamination frequently occurs in our day to day lives, and we don’t worry about it as much for foods that will be cooked - since cooking will kill the bacteria before we eat the food. However, if the food we make is “ready-to-eat”, we need to pay special attention to cross contamination because any bacteria that might be present on our products will not be killed before the product is eaten. That means we must prevent our finished products from being contaminated with bacteria like Listeria that can cause people to get sick. Since our products won’t be cooked before they are eaten, these “bad” bacteria are much more likely to make someone sick. You can also remind your employees that this is also the major reason why the government makes companies recall their products if Listeria is found on ready-to-eat foods.

4 Examples of Ready-to-Eat foods
Smoked fish Cooked products like crabmeat, crawfish, or shrimp Deli meats Chopped or sliced fruits & vegetables Salads, including seafood salads Highlight the product that you produce – e.g. smoked fish for the smoked fish plants, crabmeat for the crab plants, crawfish for the crawfish plants etc. Give examples of how the product you produce is used (eaten) by your customers to be sure the concept of “ready-to-eat” foods is clear. For example, smoked fish is eaten on bagels, in salads, as an appetizer etc and is not cooked. You can compare this to a piece of raw salmon which almost all people will cook before they eat it. Use similar examples for crabs and crawfish.

5 How are bacteria transferred from one place to another in the plant?
By people with dirty hands, clothing etc. By dirty utensils such as knives By dirty totes or other containers By dirty processing equipment By dirty carts or racks used to move products around the plant By splashing or dripping water Note: “Dirt” may not always be visible. Any surface that hasn’t just been sanitized should be considered “dirty” This slide is designed to introduce the concept that both people and things can transfer bacteria from one place to another in the plant. Be sure to explain the Note first. Dirty objects can be those that visibly look “dirty” but can also be things that look clean to our eyes. Remind employees that bacteria are invisible and can be present on objects that look clean. Any object that comes in from outside or has touched the floor should always be considered “dirty”. In addition we must assume that any object that hasn’t been cleaned and sanitized could be dirty. Give examples specific to your plant to the extent possible for each item in the list: People Utensils Containers Processing Equipment Carts and Racks Areas where water could splash or drip onto people, utensils, containers, equipment, carts or racks and then contaminate product or splash or drip directly onto products.

6 Cross contamination could occur if You
Touch smoked fish with dirty hands Touch other objects with dirty hands that will eventually touch smoked fish Allow smoked fish to touch dirty tables, utensils, containers, equipment, etc. Go from raw product to finished product areas of the plant without taking precautions. Don’t keep your work area cleaned and sanitized. This slide is designed to give examples of the things that employees do that can result in cross contamination of finished products. Re-enforce the idea that “dirty” hands or objects may not look dirty and cannot be assumed to be free of bacteria unless they have been properly cleaned and sanitized. The first bullet is included to show how hands can directly contaminate product. The second bullet shows how hands can indirectly contaminate products. For example, if someone who empties the garbage stops and talks to an employee packing product and puts their “dirty” hands onto their scale at their workstation. The scale could then contaminate finished products. The third bullet is an example of contamination from dirty surfaces to product. The fourth bullet is an examples of how bacteria from raw areas of the plant can be carried to finished product areas on people’s hands, clothes and shoes or on equipment that is moved from one area to another. Note that the proper precautions will be explained later. The fifth bullet is designed to emphasize that only with proper cleaning and sanitizing can we be sure that bacteria are eliminated.

7 You prevent Cross Contamination by Washing Your Hands
Before you start work After using the bathroom After leaving your work area Before returning to your work area After touching your body After touching dirty objects This slide is designed to focus on how people in the plant can cause cross contamination with their hands. Give examples of how your hands can get contaminated: On your way to work While you’re in the bathroom When you leave the work area for lunch, breaks or go to raw product areas When you touch your body such as your face, nose, mouth, hair etc. When you touch dirty objects such as the floor, trash cans, waste bins etc. Emphasize that the only way to prevent the transfer of bacteria from these sources is to properly clean and sanitize your hands before working with products.

8 You Can Prevent Cross Contamination by:
Making sure all equipment is clean before you use it Keeping your work area clean Not bringing personal items to work Never putting finished product back onto a packing line if it dropped onto the floor or touched something dirty Always remember you are preparing food for someone just like you to eat. It is even more important to take care of the food your company makes because it may not be eaten right away.  Give examples of how the things in this list can contaminate product. In the first two bullets are examples of how things that come into direct contact with product could contaminate it if they are “dirty” meaning that bacteria are present. The first picture gives an example of a stuffed toy and a drink bottle at the work station. Explain how these items from outside the plant are likely to have bacteria that could contaminate the work station and product. The last picture shows product being picked up off the floor. Emphasize company policies to make sure this doesn’t happen. Keep all unnecessary things out of the food processing and packaging areas. Put all personal things, like coats, sweaters, and lunch boxes away or in a locker. If you wear jewelry, take it off and put in a safe place or better yet, leave it at home.

9 Don’t Move from Raw to Finished Product Areas Without Taking Proper Precautions
People and Equipment in the plant can carry harmful bacteria into the “cleaner” areas where smoked product is handled when they move from one area to another. Give specific examples of raw product areas ie. Loading dock, where fish are thawed, cleaned, brined etc. Give specific examples of finished product areas ie. Packing room, slicing room, picking room etc. Emphasize that people and equipment should not move from raw areas to finished product areas unless proper precautions are taken. These precautions will be explained in the next few slides. BEFORE YOU GO INSIDE

10 People can carry bacteria on their hands, gloves, aprons, clothing, and shoes.
Bacteria can get onto equipment, containers, and racks or carts and their wheels. This slide is designed to show how bacteria can move from raw to finished product areas. The first bullet is designed to help you remind people that bacteria from raw areas could get onto hands, gloves, aprons and other clothing and shoes and then be carried into the finished product area. The second bullet is designed to help you give examples of specific types of equipment such as totes, tubs, fish racks, carts, trolleys, pallets etc. that could move bacteria from raw areas of the plant to finished product areas.

11 You Prevent Cross Contamination by:
Cleaning & sanitizing equipment, carts, or containers before you move them from one area to another. Cleaning up puddles & standing water that could splash onto equipment. Be sure to go over company policies for the following with this slide: Cleaning and sanitizing equipment, utensils, tubs, totes, trolleys etc. before they are moved from raw areas to finished product areas. It would be best to demonstrate exactly how the expected cleaning and sanitizing procedures are conducted at this point. Be sure to follow your SSOP procedure and inform employees how you will monitor that this procedure is being used. Also be sure to explain why it is important that employees look for and remove any puddles and standing water in the plant .

12 You Prevent Cross Contamination by:
Washing your hands Changing your apron Cleaning footwear before going from raw to finished product areas Food processing workers can be carriers of bacteria and other dangerous microorganisms. Learning to pay attention to good personal hygiene can prevent the spread of bacteria from workers to food. Human hands or unclean gloves, aprons, and uniforms are a primary means of contaminating foods. Handwashing, sanitizing gloves or aprons, and clean uniforms help prevent the spread of dangerous bacteria and other microorganisms to food. Review Company policies for handwashing and changing aprons, gloves, using footbaths etc. when going from raw to finished product areas.

13 Cleaning and Sanitizing
Proper cleaning and sanitizing is necessary to kill harmful bacteria that could contaminate your company’s products. All food products must be removed, before cleaning starts. Cross-contamination is the transfer of harmful microorganisms from one item to another. The harmful organisms can be found on food, utensils, human hands, or processing equipment and transferred to any other item. Contamination of one food with harmful bacteria from another food or dirty equipment is a significant cause of foodborne illness. Preventing cross contamination involves all workers’ awareness of its causes and care in the use of equipment. Careful cleaning and sanitizing of utensils and equipment and proper handwashing will help prevent the spread of dangerous bacteria. Proper storage techniques and separation of work areas (raw foods/ingredients from finished foods) are essential for preventing cross-contamination. Workers need to be shown the proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures for their work area. They also need to know where to store equipment they use on the job and equipment used for cleaning and sanitizing. Cross-contamination from equipment (or people) associated with dirty or raw ingredient areas, including soiled cleaning equipment such as brooms, have contributed to the spread of disease-causing microorganisms in processing plants.  You can also use this slide to introduce the concept of color coding of cleaning equipment, aprons etc. If you use color coding explain your company’s policy.

14 You Prevent Cross Contamination by Following Company Procedures for:
Routine cleaning of your work area during the day. Final cleanup of your work area at the end of the shift. This is where the trainer will go over specific procedures for routine and end of the shift cleaning and sanitizing for workers in finished product handling areas.

15 Clean Work Areas Before Breaks and Lunch
Put away all products. Remove scraps and garbage. Wipe down work surface with cleaning/sanitizing solution. Check area when you return to work and re-clean if necessary. This is a general framework, and of course there is the debate about mid-shift cleanups. This may be a compromise and each company needs to go over their own procedures.

16 End of the Day Cleaning and Sanitizing
1. Put away all product 2. Remove scraps & garbage 3. Wet down work area 4. Scrub with detergent and cleaning pad 5. Rinse 6. Sanitize We need companies to go over specific procedures for clean-up developed in our Year 2 Control plan. This may just be for work areas but also may be for equipment, containers, utensils etc. If there is a separate dedicated cleaning crew this part would only cover general clean-up and may be the same as the previous slide.

17 You Prevent Cross Contamination
Don’t cut corners – your job could depend on it!! Use the same care maintaining your work area that you would use when preparing food for your own family.

18 Safe Food Depends on You If We All Work Together We Can Provide Safe Food for Our Customers

19 Credits This training program was developed as part of a project entitled “Control Strategies for Listeria monocytogenes in Food Processing Environments” funded under the National Food Safety Initiative in 2000 by the Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Services of USDA Project No Lots of hard work was contributed by: Cornell University New York Sea Grant University of Delaware Sea Grant College University of Maryland Sea Grant VPI Sea Grant Extension LSU Cooperative Extension National Food Processors Association National Fisheries Institute

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