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Special Populations Update Special Populations Update Division of Special PopulationsDivision of Special Populations July 2013July 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Populations Update Special Populations Update Division of Special PopulationsDivision of Special Populations July 2013July 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Populations Update Special Populations Update Division of Special PopulationsDivision of Special Populations July 2013July 2013

2 2 Our new accountability system has two overarching objectives and Growth for all students, every year Faster growth for those students who are furthest behind

3 Beliefs  All Students can learn and demonstrate growth (ALL means ALL)  Specialized Instruction (IDEA, ELL and Title) is a continuum of services (not a place)  Relationships and Collaboration-Tearing down silos of education so stakeholders will focus on decisions that are best for all children  Responsibility and accountability in teaching and supporting ALL students  Strong Leadership at all levels is essential in an inclusive environment that supports ALL students  High quality professional learning empowers all stakeholders and builds capacity for the success of ALL Students 3

4 Key Goals of Special Populations 4 Improving Student Outcomes  Prevention  Intervention  Achievement  Outcomes  Exit Manage Performance  Effective employees at every level of the organization with a focus on improving student outcomes.

5 Changes  RTI²  Evaluation timeline changes  Short term objectives  Transition requirements  Need for Instructionally Appropriate Individual Education Plan (IEP) 5

6 Policy change  As of July 1, 2014, RTI² will be the only way to identify a student with a Specific Learning Disability  Final reading approval from State Board of Education was June 21, 2013 6

7 RTI² 7

8 8

9 9

10 Deficit Areas  Measurable annual goal is tied to area of deficit  Individual needs determinations provide the basis for a student’s goal  Goals relate to the student’s need for specially designed instruction to address the student's disability needs  Examples Specific Learning Disability Deficit Areas – Reading Fluency Other Health Impaired – Organizational Skills Autism – Communication 10

11 Initial Evaluations and Initial Programming Final Reading  Currently, TN has a 40 day school day timeline for evaluations.  TN is proposing the change to a 60 calendar day evaluation timeline which aligns with federal guidelines. A program would then have to be implemented within 30 calendar days from eligibility determination.  Letter to Reyes – OSEP issued a statement in this NC case law that a evaluation timeline cannot be extended because of school breaks. This would be delaying FAPE for a student.  Reasons the proposed 60 calendar day timeline may be waived: If there is a mutual agreement among parents and the school to extend the timeline If the child is not available for evaluation If the child enrolls in another LEA after the timeframe has begun and eligibility was not completed 11

12 Proposed Policy Changes Proposed changes for Tennessee: IDEA 2004 reauthorization eliminated the requirement that:  Deletion of the requirement for benchmarks or short term objectives in IEPs other than the 1% of students  Progress monitoring components of the responsiveness to intervention (RTI) plan accurately measure growth and accountability.  Deletion of the requirement for identification of possible transition services needs in the IEP in effect when a child reaches 14 years of age – The high school course of study which is developed for every student at the end of their eighth grade year will addresses these planning needs. – TN will align with federal regulations that all IEPs include transition services beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the child turns 16 12

13 Transition Best Practices  Course of Study meeting in conjunction with 8 th grade IEP meeting  Guidance Counselor involved in IEP meeting  Attach the Course of Study to the IEP Reevaluate Course of Study with the IEP annually 13

14 What Will Replace Short Term Objectives  Students will be required to have a measurable annual goal, tied to their area of deficit  Students will require progress monitoring at least bi-weekly (academic deficit) or more often depending on area of deficit  Information/progress monitoring should be given to parents every 4.5 weeks

15 What Will Replace Short Term Objectives?  Common Core Tier 1 skills worksheets will provide teachers with a way to differentiate Tier 1 instruction Assist the general education and special education teacher with making instructional decisions for Tier 1 instruction Students with an IEP need access to common core with differentiation of Tier 1 support  Skills worksheets may be used to determine Present Levels of Instructional Performance (PLIP) in relation to Tier 1 Instruction Note: Per Federal regulations, students assessed on an Alternate Assessment will continue to have the Short Term Objective requirement in the IEP.

16 Need for Instructionally Appropriate IEP’s - Connecting standards and individual needs -Measurable annual goals -Progress monitoring -Accommodations vs. modifications -ALL students need Tier 1 to the extent possible 16

17  ‘ Essence’ of standard matched to individual needs and levels  ‘Pathways’ to address skill acquisition  The standard is not the measurable annual goal Goals should answer the question: – What skills does the student require to master the content of the curriculum and close the gap identified in the area of deficit? How do we align specific deficit(s) with standards?

18 What are the benefits of a Instructionally Appropriate IEP?  Accurately defines a students deficit area and helps define areas of needed intervention.  Ties the IEP to the general education curriculum  Provides positive directions and goals for intervention  Utilizes standards to identify specific content critical to a student's successful progress in the general education curriculum  Promotes a single educational system that is inclusive through common language and curriculum for special and general education students  Ensures greater consistency across schools and districts  Encourages higher expectations for students with disabilities

19 Present Levels of Instructional Performance  Foundation of the IEP States what the student can do Goals are written to the deficit areas Describes the unique needs of the student that the IEP will address – Identifies the student’s level of performance in those need areas  Uses clear and concise language  Based on results of the initial or most recent evaluation of the student  Summarizes information from a variety of sources 19

20 Sample PLIP ExampleNon-Example Based on data, Maria reads 3rd grade narrative text at 70 word correct minute; however with expository text her words correct per minute is reduced to 50. Due to her reading speed and accuracy, Maria has trouble engaging grade-level text. Maria cannot read 3 rd -grade level text. John is able to sit in his chair for 10 minutes using visual cues based on behavior charts, but without the visual supports he sits in his chair for 5 minutes. His difficulty focusing impairs his ability to learn material in group settings. John has difficulty following classroom rules. Based on teacher made and district benchmark test of grade level material utilizing a graphic organizer, Daniel is able to correctly answer more than 70% of factual comprehension questions; however, his accuracy with inferential question is 40% therefore, inhibiting his progress in the general education curriculum. As measured on the EOWPVT-R, Carmen’s expressive vocabulary is at 19 months and as measured by the ROWPVT-R her receptive vocabulary is at 26 months.

21 Annual Goals Are  Measurable  Based on student’s area of deficit  Written on % or accuracy 100% of the time

22 Sample Annual Goals  Deficit Area: Reading Fluency Jeremy will read 75 words per minute with 95% accuracy 100% of the time.  Deficit Area: Social/Emotional Given 15 minutes of free play time, Nathan will engage in interactive play with peers for at least 10 minutes  Deficit Area: Other Health Impaired (Behavior) Using visual supports, Rachel will increase her ability to sit in her chair from 5 minutes to 8 minutes 22

23 Types of Related Service interventions offered by schools include:  Direct Services – Related service professional interacts directly with the student i.e.. – one on one or small group instruction  Indirect Services – Related service professional interacts with other personnel i.e.. – training teacher how to implement a behavior management program

24 Identifying the Supplementary Aids and Services:  Accommodations - Accommodations do not reduce learning expectations, they provide access.  Modifications - Modifications refer to practices that change, lower or reduce learning expectations.

25 Accommodations vs. Modifications 25

26 Most students with disabilities should be in the general education curriculum for 80% of their day. Opportunities exist in ‘the shifts’ … but will demand: greater collaboration with general education new kinds of professional development A ‘grades span’ look at instruction for students with disabilities Opportunities

27 Changes in EasyIEP  Data Quality  Common core standards 27

28 Questions & Answers  Tie Hodack, Director of Instructional Programming  Lori Nixon, Director of Assessment Design 28

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