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Bonjour et bienvenue à la classe de français!

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Presentation on theme: "Bonjour et bienvenue à la classe de français!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bonjour et bienvenue à la classe de français!
Mme Villarreal

2 Contact Mme V!
Room P8A Tutorials: Tuesdays and Thursdays

Late work: Daily Work and Projects Daily work and projects are expected to be complete and turned at the beginning of class on the day they are due. If a student does not have the assignment he/she may bring it in the next SCHOOL day for 80% if complete. Each day after that there will be 10 points deducted. Retakes: Test and Quizzes If a student makes below a 70 on a test or a quiz that student has the opportunity to retake the test or quiz. He/she has 2 school days to come in to retake the test or quiz. One day can be for tutoring and then the next retake the test, but this is up to the student to decide. We do understand that there may be some extenuating circumstances, but exceptions will only be made if a parent calls the teacher to discuss those circumstances. The student can earn no higher than a 70 on the retake. Makeup work Please see me immediately upon your return to school for the work that you missed during your absence. I am happy to work with you and explain assignments to you during my tutorial times. Tests and quizzes that were missed must be made up before or after school within one week after the student returns to school.

4 PARTICIPATION Students MUST speak in French as much as possible.
Daily participation is expected and will be recorded.

5 Hall passes Students will be issued a hall pass at the beginning of the six weeks and may use it at the teacher’s discretion. If the student cannot produce the pass, he or she will not be able to leave the classroom except in the case of a dire emergency.

6 GRADING PROCEDURES 40% Daily work and participation
30% Quizzes and small projects 30% Tests and major projects Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated and the student will have the work confiscated and receive a zero regardless of the assignment or test. Using translators and web sites for translation purposes also falls into this category. If a student is in doubt, he or she should consult the teacher.

7 REQUIRED MATERIALS Please bring the required materials to class everyday. Spiral notebook for vocabulary (ONLY French vocabulary will go in this spiral!) French IV only: please purchase second spiral for your writing journal. Pens/Pencils Loose-leaf notebook paper Workbook (will be provided and must be brought to class every day.) 3-ring notebook with 3 dividers Suggested for use at home: French-English dictionary 501 French Verbs

8 TUTORIALS Tutorials are Tuesdays and Thursdays before and after school. If these days and times do not fit your schedule, please speak to me; I may be able to accommodate you on a different day.

9 French Club Please tell me if you are interested! We will start meeting soon!

10 Une INTERRO! How can you contact Mme V?
Does Mme V have a website? What can you find on it? You missed class! What do you do? Can you retake a test? If so, under what circumstances? Do you have to speak French in French class?

11 Class procedures

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