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Brain-based Learning Model

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1 Brain-based Learning Model

2 Overview Learning is associated with memory
Multiple regions of the brain memorize places, events, sounds, sights, smells and more. Activating more regions of the brain during learning leads to better memory and more effective learning.

3 Overview Brain based learning is not a passing fad or the latest classroom solution dreamed up by so-called experts. It's the process by which all human beings learn and every teacher needs to know about it and become proficient at using its power in the classroom.

4 3 Core Teaching Strategies
orchestrated immersion - in short, learners need to be put into a carefully constructed context that will enable them to focus on the information and experience necessary to achieve the learning outcomes relaxed alertness - the brain learns best when it is challenged to engage with information and experience but in a context where the threat of failure is absent. active processing - the brain needs to work things out for itself rather than be 'spoon fed' information.

5 The 7 stages of brain-based planning
Pre-exposure Preparation Initiation and Acquisition Elaboration Incubation and Memory Encoding Verification and Confidence Check Celebration and Integration

6 Integrating brain-based in the classroom
Pre-Exposure and Priming Sufficient Time for Learning Low or No Threat Pre for Final Performance High Engagement Positive Emotional Engagement Learner Choice Moderate to High Challenge Strong Peer Support Mastery Goals Sufficient Non-learning Time Balancing Novelty and Predictability Safe for Taking Risks Brain-based Classroom

7 3 Powerful Brain-based Teaching Tips:
“Eye movements facilitate the processing and retrieval of information to and from the brain.” – Eric Jensen (Brain Based Learning Expert) When you present a new topic, stand to the right of learners (right side of the classroom from their point of view). Brain Technology: When our eyes look up and to the right, this indicates that the brain is creating new pictures/new ideas. By standing on the right side of the kids, we allow our students easy access to creation of new pictures and ideas in their minds.

8 3 Powerful Brain-based Teaching Tips:
When you are reviewing topics with your students, stand to their left side (from their point of view). Brain Technology: When our eyes look up and to the left, we are doing visual thinking of stored picture memories. By standing on towards the left side of their view, we allow them easy access to their schema and stored pictures.

9 3 Powerful Brain-based Teaching Tips:
When giving a test, have the students spread out. Avoid having them sit next to each other very closely. If their eyes are not allowed some freedom to move, we are depriving them to tap into their ability to access information in their brain. Also, by having the students spread out, it lowers their stress levels making it easier for them to access information in their brain.

10 Advantages: Student Differences Lessons Learning Strategies
Students have different learning styles, performance abilities and knowledge levels. Children and adults learn differently, boys and girls develop skills at different rates/levels. Knowing the differences benefits educators in their professional duties. Lessons Using the levels of intellectual development of students, lessons are developed from concrete to abstract concepts. Lessons are built around what students already know with additional information to build new levels of knowledge. Learning Strategies Designing learning strategies from an understanding of how the brain works involves students' interaction with learning materials, other students, teachers, family and society. Adults are more self-directed than children. Teaching methods are designed to meet these student characteristics.

11 Advantages: Nutrition and Exercise Assessment
The benefits of brain based learning include knowing what foods the brain requires for optimum functioning and how physical exercise relieves stress that inhibits learning. Educators use this information to make decisions on nutritional programs for students, and physical/health education classes. Assessment Multiple types of feedback that are specific and task oriented allow the brain to grow. Success should be rewarded and opportunities provided for self- assessment.

12 Limitation & Challenges:
Background Brain-based learning requires the use of teaching strategies that utilize the brain's natural ways of learning. Teachers are encouraged to use multiple methods/media that are not always accessible. Also, some students may be reluctant to make the extra effort to do exercises leading to deep thinking. Application Educators who support brain-based learning advocate using relevant teaching resources, multiple methods/media, and appropriate teacher training. Effective application of brain-based learning can therefore be costly. Limited Resources The time and material resources required for applying individualized teaching strategies that enable students to learn in an equitable manner are sometimes very limited. Teachers of very large classes may not be able to address the needs of students with different cognitive levels and learning styles/preferences at all times.

13 Limitation & Challenges:
Inadequate Professional Development Not all teachers are trained in applying known and proven brain- based teaching strategies such as individualized instruction, teaching at increasing levels of difficulty, and using multiple media and strategies for different students' learning styles and preferences. Slow Acceptance Practitioners of brain-based learning use caution when applying still-evolving brain research to education. Empirically tested methods are slow to be accepted by teachers/instructors who prefer traditional methods.

14 Resources: 81_brain.pdf
principles-brain-based-learning.html s-teachers-face-brain_based-learning.html

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