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What is an Expert? A person having special skills or knowledge of a subject.

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2 What is an Expert? A person having special skills or knowledge of a subject.

3 Expert Project A research project Allows students to become expert on topic of choice Long term Demonstrates learning

4 GOAL To learn something new that interests YOU!

5 Time Frame Long term project Two months to work on project School-Centered, but may need to do some work at home Complete by middle of May Organize your time

6 Ways to Demonstrate Learning 1.Research Skills 2.Note-taking 2. Written Piece 3. Visual Display 4. Presentation

7 Written Piece Facts book written in paragraph form. Provide a variety of information about topic. Hurricane Book-2011

8 Creative Visual Display You will design a poster or PowerPoint, or another visual display approved by your teacher. Include a variety of items on the visual display: Charts Photographs Drawings 3-D objects Brochure

9 Presentation Present topic to class in 3-4 minutes. Share important things that were learned, surprising and cool facts, and why you are interested in this topic. Use chosen visual display for an aid.

10 Where to Research At school At home At the public library

11 Types of Resources Internet Books Encyclopedias Videos Websites Magazines Brochures Write a letter to request information. Visit a place to learn more.

12 Expert Fair Display projects in classrooms. 6-1 team sharing. Presentation Day

13 Topics: Need to be: Educational New to you Appropriate for 6 th grade Researchable in Wredling LRC Approved by Language Arts teacher

14 Possible Topic Ideas Historical Figures- –Presidents, Civil Rights, Writers, Artists, World Leaders, Villains, Famous Women Unusual Places/Landmarks Natural Disasters Historical Events/Time Periods Diseases/Illnesses Solar System/Environmental Issues

15 Topics to Avoid Common Sports (baseball, soccer, football) Household Pets (cats, dogs, fish) Products/Brands Subjects you know a lot about *Teams/Singers/Actors

16 The Project’s Objective To learn something new Demonstrate knowledge of topic Use a variety of research materials Be Creative Demonstrate organization Have fun!

17 Final Thoughts Be Creative Have Fun Find Unique Topic Try something New

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