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How to Identify Best Practices Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Martin Professor of Public Affairs University of Central Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Identify Best Practices Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Martin Professor of Public Affairs University of Central Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Identify Best Practices Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Martin Professor of Public Affairs University of Central Florida

2 What is a Best Practice? Best practices research has yet to achieve consensus on what constitutes a best practice!!

3 What is a Best Practice? Herbert Simon’s “Satisfying” Trap 1. People (especially elected officials) look for solutions that appear to work 2. The research to support a claim of best practice is almost never done.

4 What is a Best Practice? The selective observation of a set of exemplars across different contexts.

5 What is a Best Practice? Exemplars: the “best of the best” Contexts: across multiple settings

6 What is a Best Practice? Hierarchy of Evidence 1.Evidence Based Practices (EBPs) 2.Best Practices (BPs) 3.Emerging Practices (EPs)

7 What is a Best Practice? Evidence Based Practices (EBPs): Practices supported by a substantial body of outcomes based research.

8 What is a Best Practice? Best Practices (BPs): Practices supported by a substantial body of research findings generally acknowledged as superior or state of the art.

9 What is a Best Practice? Emerging Practices EPs): Practices believed by at least some knowledgeable professionals or professional organizations to represent superior approaches.

10 Rules for Identifying & Reporting on Best Practices Rule 1: A definition of “best practices” should be provided

11 Internationally Recommended Best Practices in Transportation Financing Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) Any policy, procedure, process, or activity for infrastructure P3s in general, transportation P3s in particular or transportation financing P3s in specific that have been recommended as a standard operating practice by governments internationally or by international organizations that have studied P3s.

12 Rules for Identifying & Reporting on Best Practices Rule 2: The decision criterion or criteria used to determine a best practice should be made explicit

13 Rules for Identifying & Reporting on Best Practices Rule 3: The evidence level (EBPs, BPs, EBs) should be specified

14 Internationally Recommended Best Practices in Transportation Financing P3s The use of value for money (VfM) analysis is an international best practice (BP) The ex post conduct of a value for money (VfM) analysis is an emerging practice (EP)

15 Rules for Identifying & Reporting on Best Practices Rule 4 : Exemplars should be drawn from multiple contexts

16 Internationally Recommended Best Practices in Transportation Financing P3s Value for money (VfM) analysis has been adopted by : Australia Canada France South Africa Spain United Kingdom

17 Rules for Identifying & Reporting on Best Practices Rule 5 : When exemplars have major sub- components, they should be identified

18 Major Sub-Components: Internationally Recommended Best Practices in Transportation Financing P3s 1.Size & Complexity 2.Structured Process 3.Stakeholder Consultation & Support 4.Creation of Dedicated P3 Units 5.Risk Assessment & Allocation 6.Value for Money (VfM) analysis 7.Special Purpose Vehicle 8.Project Financing 9.Procurement 10.Contracting

19 Communicating Best Practices To Policy Makers & Stakeholders Define best practice Specify the criterion/criteria used Explain the evidence level (EBPs, BPs, EPs) Identify any sub-components Use examples from multiple contexts Make limitations explicit

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