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Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Click here to start!

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2 Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Click here to start!

3 Sorry! Have another try…

4 Sorry! That was the wrong answer, go back to £1,000!£1,000

5 Sorry! That was the wrong answer, go back to £32,000!£32,000

6 A)B) C)D) For £100 Which key industries formed the basis of the ECSC, the precursor of the EU? coal and steel coal and uranium steel and ironcars and steel Prize money: £0

7 A)B) C)D) For £200 Which treaty founded the EEC Treaty of Amsterdam Lisbon Treaty Maastricht TreatyTreaty of Rome Prize money: £100

8 A)B) C)D) For £300 When did the Treaty of Rome come into force? 19481952 19611958 Prize money: £200

9 A)B) C)D) For £400 How many countries where founder members of the European Communities? twelveeight fivesix Prize money: £300

10 A)B) C)D) For £500 Which of these politicians is NOT a founder of the European Community/ Jean Monnet Robert SchumanKonrad Adenauer Willy Brandt Prize money: £400

11 A)B) C)D) For £1,000 When did the first enlargement of the EC take place? 1971 19631961 1973 Prize money: £500

12 A)B) C)D) For £2,000 Which of the countries below did NOT join the EC in 1973? Ireland DenmarkUnited Kingdom Spain Prize money: £1,000

13 A)B) C)D) For £4,000 The French president Charles de Gaulle blocked the accession of which country twice in the 1960s? Spain Greece Turkey United Kingdom Prize money: £2,000

14 A)B) C)D) For £8,000 In which town was the treaty establishing the European Union signed? Strasbourg Lisbon Brussels Maastricht Prize money: £4,000

15 A)B) C)D) For £16,000 Question: wrong Correct Prize money: £8,000

16 A)B) C)D) For £32,000 The principle ensuring that decisions are taken at the most local level possible is called _______ ? federalism localism communitarianism subsidiarity Prize money: £16,000

17 A)B) C)D) For £64,000 Which of these was not established by the Maastricht Treaty in 1992? The Schengen agreement EU citizenship Monetary unionMajority voting Prize money: £32,000

18 A)B) C)D) For £125,000 Which two countries negotiated opt-out clauses to the Maastricht Treaty? UK & Denmark Germany & FranceUK & Sweden France & UK Prize money: £64,000

19 A)B) C)D) For £250,000 The United Kingdom refused to join the document enshrining workers' rights across Europe. What was it called? Social Charter Workers' Union Social Chapter Communist Manifesto Prize money: £125,000

20 A)B) C)D) For £500,000 Which of these is NOT a characteristic of federalism? an elected president clear rules between national and regional levels a written constitution an independent court system Prize money: £250,000

21 A)B) C)D) For £1,000,000 Which EU institution is its main decision making body? Council of Ministers EU Commission EU ParliamentCourt of Justice Prize money: £500,000

22 Congratulations! Start Again

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