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Office Overview and Proposal Process Caron Chambers Manager, Budget Operations.

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1 Office Overview and Proposal Process Caron Chambers Manager, Budget Operations

2 Director Rena Brasher-Alleva Manager Budget Operations Caron Chambers Budget Analyst III, Base Operations Elizabeth Chapin Budget Analyst III, Base Operations Bob Tan Budget Analyst III, Proposal Coordinator Valerie Koch Budget Analyst II, Proposal Coordinator Rebecca Greenberg Administrative Assistant Amy Stephens Budget Specialist (Part-time Casual) Janet Evans


4 Base Budget Operations Detailed operating budget development Funding Allocations NCAR Indirect Cost Rate NCAR Facility User/Recharge Ctr. Rates Funding/staffing trends Budget/overspending monitoring Review of Base subcontracts over $250K for Director approval. Non-Base Programs Proposal Review and Approvals Pre-spending and over- spending monitoring Coordination of Fastlane Reports Non-Base proposal and funding statistics and trend analysis Review of non-Base subcontracts over $250K for NCAR Director approval. Program Planning Strategic Plan Long-Range budget planning Annual Budget Review Long-range forecasting/ “what ifs” analysis Program Operating Plan (POP) POP Progress Report



7 A web based system that guides the internal review of proposals from PI to the NCAR Director  NCAR is required to “notify” NSF of all outside funded activities ◦ NSF has access to the Advance Notice and may review proposals at any time ◦ Includes all zero dollar collaborations and MOUs  Assures NSF that activities outside of base funds: ◦ Fall within the mission of NCAR ◦ Do not compete unfairly with the University community ◦ Use NSF/NCAR resources appropriately  PACUR conducts semi-annual retrospective review: ◦ Provides assurance to universities that there is no unfair competition ◦ Mechanism to encourage collaboration between NCAR and University community

8 ◦ A committee of individuals from our member universities, developed in response to university concerns about unfair competition. ◦ Conduct a semi-annual retrospective review of Non-NSF and NSF Competed proposals over $100k  Select a representative sample of proposals across all divisions/labs & collaboration levels  Perform an “audit” of how well proposals follow the agreed to criteria ◦ Provided budgets, Advance Notice, cover pages, and collaboration letters ◦ Draft report summarizing compliance of proposals & any recommendations ◦ NCAR has opportunity to respond to report ◦ Final report is presented to UCAR President and entire PACUR committee

9 B&P Manager B&P Director NCAR Director Joint Univ. Proposals > $1M < $1M with Univ. sub-award < 20% of budget < $1M with University Collaboration but no funding NSF Non-Competed Proposals Joint Univ. Proposals < $1M 20% of budget No University Collaboration > $1M where Univ. sub-award is < 20% of budget > $1M with University Collaboration but no funding Proposals with exceptions to policy /procedures or concerns

10 Over the last six years, NCAR has maintained a high level of university collaboration. On average, 76% of all Non-NSF and NSF grant proposals include university collaboration.

11  Web Page: ◦ http//  Phone Contacts: ◦ Operations Questions:  Caron Chambers x 1114  Bob Tan x 1105  Elizabeth Chapin x 1106 ◦ Proposal Questions:  Valerie Koch x 1113  Rebecca Greenberg x 1119  Proposal Email: ◦

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