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To Build a Contagious Church... We Must Have Contagious Leaders.

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Presentation on theme: "To Build a Contagious Church... We Must Have Contagious Leaders."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Build a Contagious Church... We Must Have Contagious Leaders

2 Contagious Leaders are Men of God l Even Deacons can “catch it” if leaders are Contagious l Success breeds success

3 Contagious Leaders are Men of God Attitude Determines Everything! If you think you are beaten, you are. If you think you dare not, you don’t. If you like to win but think you can’t, it’s almost certain you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost.

4 Contagious Leaders are Men of God A Negative Attitude Destroys A negative thinker is a person who has swallowed and egg; Afraid to move for fear it will break; Afraid to sit down for fear it will hatch.

5 Contagious Leaders are Men of God A Negative Attitude Destroys Phil 4:13 – Where was Paul when he penned that statement? Phil 4:4 – Where was he then? That is a contagious positive attitude!

6 Negative Attitudes are Contagious Too! Negative Laws:vs. Nothing is as easy as it looks Everything takes longer than you think If something can go wrong, it will, and at the worst possible time Positive Laws: Nothing is as HARD as it looks Everything is MORE REWARDING than you think If something can go RIGHT, it will, and at the BEST possible time

7 Negative Thinking Keeps us from Enjoying Life Negative:vs. We’ve never done it before It’s too complicated It will never work There is not enough time We already tried it Positive: We have the opportunity to be first Try a different angle We’ll give it a try Must start now Learned from the past

8 Negative Thinking Keeps us from Enjoying Life Negative:vs. We don’t’ have the resources There’s no way it will work It’s a waste of time No expertise It can’t be done Positive: We will rely on help from God We can make it work if we try Think of possibilities Network with experts It will be a challenge

9 Negative Thinking Keeps us from Enjoying Life Negative:vs. We lack communication I don’t have any idea Let someone else do it Not my job I can’t Positive: Open the channels I’ll come up with ideas Learn something new Take the responsibility We can!

10 To Build a Contagious Church 1. Connect People With Jesus and His Word 2. Have Contagious Leaders – Elders, Deacons, Preachers, Bible Class Teachers, Parents, etc.

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