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Saber & Conocer. SABER & CONOCER -Both saber and conocer mean “to know” -However, they are used in different contexts…

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Presentation on theme: "Saber & Conocer. SABER & CONOCER -Both saber and conocer mean “to know” -However, they are used in different contexts…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Saber & Conocer

2 SABER & CONOCER -Both saber and conocer mean “to know” -However, they are used in different contexts…

3 ¿Qué es la diferencia? SABERCONOCER 1.To know a fact or information 2. Saber + infinitive+ to know how to… 1.To know a person 2. To know of a place, thing

4 Por ejemplo…. 1. I know how to play soccer.SABER Reason: Saber + infinitive + to know how to… 2. I know Jay-Z.CONOCER Reason: To know a person 3. I know that 2+2=4.SABER Reason: To know a fact/information 4. I know of a place called Wilmintgon. CONOCER Reason: To know of a place/thing

5 CONOCER = “to know” (yo)(nosotros) (tú)(vosotros) (él ella Ud.) (ellos ellas Uds.) conozco conoces conoce conocemos conocéis conocen

6 ¿Recuerden? You use “conocer” when talking about 1. 2. To know a person To know of a place/thing ***MUY IMPORTANTE***: When using CONOCER in the context of “to know a person”: -use “a” between CONOCER and the person Por ejemplo: I know Jay-Z.  (Yo) conozco a Jay-Z.

7 SABER = “to know” (yo)(nosotros) (tú)(vosotros) (él ella Ud.) (ellos ellas Uds.) sé sabes sabe sabemos sabéis saben

8 ¿Recuerden? You use “saber” to talk about: 1. 2. To know a fact/information Saber + infintive + to know how to… - To say someone knows how to do something: Subject + saber + infinitive For example: He knows how to swim. Él sabe nadar.

9 ¡Vamos a practicar! Now we are going to practice the difference between SABER and CONOCER You make work with a partner quietly Be careful- some are quite tricky!

10 ¡Vamos a practicar! 1.I know the capital of Spain. 2.He knows the Spanish teacher (female). 4. They (masculine) know how to skate. Ellos saben patinar. Él conoce a la profesora de español. (Yo) sé la capital de España.

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